Simple mechanical levers are well understood and we all use them in our everyday lives.
The simple act of pulling a nail with a claw hammer is one example. The concept is illustrated in the diagram below. A force F1 applied to one end of a lever, which could be a simple 2 x 4, produces a force F2 on the other end of the lever.
The forces are related by the simple formula: F1 multiplied by its distance D1 to the pivot point (fulcrum) is equal to F2 multiplied it’s its distance D2 to the pivot point. If D2 is less than D1 than F2 must be greater than F1. This fact discovered centuries ago lead to the still famous statement made by Archimedes some 2200 years ago: “Give me a lever long
enough and a fulcrum on which to place it and I shall move the world”.
A similar statement could be made relative to heat;
Give me two large thermal masses at different temperatures and I can get something of any thermal mass as hot or as cold as you want. And this can be achieved with no man made
energy source.
The idea is shown below. The “lever” will be something more complex than a 2x4 but the formulas are easily derived from the laws of thermal dynamics, using the well-known formula for the Carnot cycles for a heat engine and a heat pump.
For any nitpicking mathematicians, chemist or physicist out there, the formula assumes that all heat flow directions are positive in the direction of the arrows and delta T’s are all positive.
In the thermal leverage diagram, the red oval represents a large source of heat at a temperature of TH1,
The green oval represents a large heat sink at a temperature TL1. TH1 must be higher than TL1..
These two source/sinks could be the surrounding atmosphere, the earth, a large body of
water, an object heated by the sun, a source of ground water etc.
We tap into the natural heat flow from TH1 to TL1 and leverage that flow to pump heat from the yellow body Tsource to the orange body Tdest.
A group of picnickers wish to keep a refrigerated container at 45 degrees throughout the day.
The air temperature is 90 degrees F. There is a small stream flowing through their picnic area with a constant temperature of 60 degrees F. They know that the refrigerated container will require about 250 BTU/hr to stay at 45 degrees.
To use the above formula temperatures must be converted to an absolute scale (one where 0 is absolute 0). For calculation purposes we will use the Rankine scale.
The conversion formula is ﹾR= ﹾF + 459.67
They’ll use the air as TH1, The stream will provide the sink TL1 and and also Tdest.
The refrigerated container is Tsource which is set 45ﹾ F
Converting all temperatures to rankine we get:
TH1 = 549.67 ﹾR TL1= 519.67 ﹾR
Tsource = 504.67 ﹾR Tdest = 519.67 ﹾR
ΔT1 = 30 ﹾR and ΔT2 = 15 ﹾR
QH2 is 250 BTU/hr
QH2 divided by Tsource times ΔT2 equals 62.5
QH1 can be calculated by simple algebra QH1 =( 62.5 *549.67) /30.
QH1 = 1145.15 BTU/hr And QL1 = 1082.65 BTU/hr
Result: They’ll need to absorb about 1145 BTU/hr from the air and dump 1083 into the creek in order to get 250 BTU/hr of cooling at 45 ﹾF
The benefit is that it’s a free 250 BTUs/hr.
This can be improved by increasing TH1 by using a
solar absorber.
For example by using a
solar absorber at 120 ﹾF (579.67 ﹾR) for TH1, the amount of heat needed for QH1 is reduced to only 622.57 BTU/hr which can be achieved with a panel of about 2.5 square feet. The solar absorber could be nothing more than a flat black piece of metal connected to something that can transmit the heat into the input of the lever.
To date, as far as I know there is nothing commercially available that can be used for a “Thermal Lever”.
The most promising devices available are built around the Stirling engine. Stirling engines are already being used in Arizona to achieve solar efficiency of about 30 %.
The Stirling engine has a cousin called a Stirling heat pump. By coupling a Stirling engine to a Stirling heat pump a thermal lever can be created.
There is an excellent Utube
video describing the process and the device