All due respect to all contributors, I had this already half-figured out, and was looking for any possible extra alternatives. I was really hoping to see just that, and thus far, I have seen what I would categorize as 'negatives', as in people pointing out problems, limitations,etc.
I do not take these personally at all, and do respect opinions of others with experience, as no matter how much experience I may have or someone else may have, more than one set of eyes or brains usually adds perspectives and diversity.
That revers disclainer being said...
First, I doo respect and appreciate what William Pilgrim had to say, I do not doubt your experience and knowledge, but I have personally seen, engineered, and produced very good results from various forms of Aquaponics.
I do see your point(s) in that it could be argued that good conditions with good soil,
compost, and good watering in a good environment can grow really nice plants, no doubt. but, I must say that I have in my own practices and experience seen at least equal quality in plants, but growing much faster through Aquaponics.
I do not, and have never believed in Hydroponics, or Aquaponics with no organic matter in the growing media, simply because if something goes wrong, especially with the pump/watering system, plants can literally die overnight, or in the space of a day, or at least be seriously harmed. I have seen this over and over again, even in my own first systems, which is why I adopted a no-compromise, no-exception rule of having SOME kind of organic matter in the growing media, even if its only peat moss, as it holds enough moisture that if someting happens with the watering system, the plants can manage for a day or two before serious suffering in some way. Back the otther way, to William Pilgrim's POV, That of course is not nearly as much of a concern with plants growing in some form of soil.
William Pilgrim is also right about the neeeds, priorities and compromises regarding the fish. I can say for my own credibility ion an odd way that I do nto eat fish or sea food at all, don;t like it at all, and can barely stand even tuna. The main reason for my interest regarding fish in the system is for the plants and thier benefit. Indirectly to things William Pilgrim stated, I see the see-saw of priority of benefit between plants and fish. One example of this is Aquaponics ystems that use what I would call a 'Serial' (versus 'Parallel') system of watering, where the fish water, etc. is introduced all/only at one end of a system, as especially in a large or long system, the plants nearest the source get all the best, while plants far from the source get a lesser benefit, and plants do not grow equally. My way is what I call 'Parallel', which means that in whatever grow bed, tube, etc., if the priority is growing plants, then the system should be set up where there are several feeds/tubes/etc. spaced among the plants so that they all get equal benefit. That being a run-away misguided way of saying that either one can set things up so that the priority is on the best water for the fish, through the setup of the plants, growing m,edia, etc, in which a 'Serial' system is better for the water quality and fish, versus what I just explained, which tends to be a compromise to give the fish what they need, with the priority on the plants.
I am also a big proponent on using a system also for water treatment, thus, my thing about "Omni-Ponics", in which human waste itself, along with just about everything else, is put into the system at one end, in a very careful, responsible, thorough desing and practice, as this means having and using that much mpre resource, and being true to the Big Picture concept of true recycling, bio-diversity, etc. My direction and purpose thus naturally being somehwat involved and potentially complicated in the interest of doing things as best and right as possible.
My ideas regarding the use of machinations and clever tricks is for three reasons:
#1: In the end, having a system that I can leave for a couple days at least, if not a week, and be thoroughly confident that when I come back, I will nto find a mess, lots of missing water, and dead fish or plants.
#2: I will be doing this in a remote location, in the middle of a desert to whatever extent, where water is not available at the location at least at first, and for up to a year until I get a well dug or whatever, and will have water delivered and brought in myself, thus, conservation becomes a big deal.
#3: To have a system that of course will have to whatever extent, more or less normal means of running, but that has contingencies, back-ups, and redundancies so that something can go wrong, and the system will continue flowing and growing, even if to a lesser than normal extent, and in some ways maybe even running in an efficient way, evet if by odd means, evenb though I am really not too concerned about "Efficiency", and think that people put too much priority on this. If efficiency becomes a priority, it says to me that things are being stretched out too thin or scant, requiring efficiency to ensure that it even works. I am more a believer in having something that works liberally, with enough overflow, slop, excess, etc. that little problems do not necessarily become big problems
Example: Using solar water heating in more than one form, I can essentially duplicate the process used in the average electric
coffee maker, using what I personally would call a "Hot Bubble Pump".
This absolutely solves much of the challenge/purpose, with the caveat that it results in very hot/boiling/steaming water that as such cannot be used for either plants or fish.
However, what has given me one answer/solution after another in my life with Aquaponis and pseudo Bio-Spheres is in fact "Taking lemons and making lemonade" Which I am an AVID fan of, I LOVE being able to do so, and Aquaponics is about the most forgiving and flexible phenomena to do so.
How I have this half figured out, is that if I have a large anout of water in a semi-enclosed system, that very hot water can be put to very practical uses.
The system I am figuring out is essentially two suystems in one. In the first, water is put through this process of becoming very hot both for the purpose of moving the water, truly without any power, that after maybe three components or individual processes, ends up as essentially very warm water in some large container, indirectly connected to the second system, and to one extent or another simpy waits, and cools overnight.
The second system, with a equal or near equal amount of water in it uses that water from the previous day, which has cooled overnight to safe to ideal temperatures for use during the day or next day.
In addition to this, it allows the option that if the system or water, etc. faces temperatures overnight that are too cold, or if the fish need warmer water for the night, warm water can be sooner introduced from that first hot water system, thus, if I can figure out a simple, natural regulating contrivance, can essentially act as a lorified thermistat.
To clarify or review, two systems, one is at one enmd hot now, the other system of water has been cooled overnight and by other means.
The critiscisms(s) That the psudo-perpetual gadgetry is not efficient are absolutely correct. The caveat is that they do not have to be near-perpetual or even efficient. The water wheel naturally increases how much water can be circulated in the system, even if it is naturally going to involve diminishing return.
With the use of such a water wheel, a given 240/250 gallon IBC container can actually put out MORE than 240/250 gallons, which naturally and obviously is more and better, which translates to actual efficiency, despite the apparent fine inefficiancy.
Nature is in fact the only true, working perpetual motion device. It has not stopped raining now and then and flowing for the life of the planet as thus far as we have seen.
There are two things I have not figured into the rough and figurative mental draft of this system.
#1: Adequate aeration of the water for the fish, which is only a matter of effort, and priority of time spent, as in this system I know it will likely be easy to figure in.
#2: Final details, as the devil is in the details.
The fish must get the best water possible. However, if the water has previously gone through a process where it has essentially been boiled or even distilled, you cannot ask for better than that, assuming that aeration has been adequately introduced.
This water must, of course, be given first to the fish. The fish water must of course be put through the grow beds/tubes/whatever, and filtered as well as possible before it goes through the hot water process to avoid deposits, accumulated whatever.
But, again, one of my own odd belifs is that almolst equally, the plants AND growing media are the primary water filter, which at first seems DUH, obvious, but I take that a step further than most.
Lets say you set up the grow beds AS A WATER FILTER, specifically. When I have done this, I used sand, with, among whatever else, "activated carbon" - natural charcoal,
carbon, whatever you want to call it. One reason I have done this is because it is good for the plants in various ways>
When I have done this, I have seen that
roots vigorously seek out the bits or chunks of cabon/coal, and enthusiastically burrow into it. That means they like it for whatever reasons. Because it absorbs things, it also absorbs, holds, and very slowly releases nutrients.
It also is known for purifying things, removing unwanted toxins, etc, which indirectly is also good for plants, though of course, not that big a deal, but good is good, and if plants like it, then I like giving it to them. Carbon/coal is better than most (psudo) 'organic' matter in some ways, as it contributes without necessarily breaking down (rotting). It of course is also especilly good for the water quality for the fish, which of course is also a priority in Aquaponics.
At the end of the grow bed, there will be an additional filtering mechanism of some sort to finalhy remove as much of anything left as possible, again to either eliminate or seriously reduce any possible accumulations or deposits in the sytem beyond.
Filtered, boiled, possible distilled, and then aerated water is about the best you can possibly do for the fish, with the exception of my belief of having some interim component/small container/etc. where I could choose to add something to the water just before it goes to either aeration stage or the fish, either for general benefit of some sort, or for
medicinal purposes.
I estimate this system may require approximately 1,000 gallons X the two (Hot and cool) systems, for a total of 2,000 gallons total, or more, as more, if practical would always be better.
If I were to figure/divide this into the typical 240/250 Gallon IBC containers, that would mean a total of 8 of them, 4 for each system. I could, of course, just spend the mony on larger tanks of some sort, as inthe area I plan on doing this, they seem to not be plentiful, as I see people regularly inquiring about where to get them, and not getting too many source suggestions.
Sorry for writing a novel, lol, but what I am working on is not the usual, does at first look seem somewhat complicated, etc. thus, requiring the best ecxplanation I can make to avoid as much misunderstanding as possible.
I am still open to any ideas beyond the norm as to moving water by other than normal means.
Due to the exhastive length of this, I am not going to bother Previewing/correcting my inevitable mispellings, so please forgive me, lol.
Thank you.