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John Polk wrote: One guy I know has 2 charged paddocks going at a time. Each has its own battery, but he just swaps the solar panel between them about once a week.
Doug Mac wrote:I have two solar and one 12 volt with a deep cycle battery. The 12 volt is much better. Chargers don't keep the fence 'hot' all the time but pulse. The time between pulses is too long with the solar units and it confuses the animals. The 12 volt only gets charged every 6 weeks or so, pulses quicker and is stronger.
While it may be best to drive a ground stake straight down, they can be put in on an angle. There is a sheep rancher I know who puts a 5 gallon bucket with a tiny hole near the bottom if the ground is dry.
I use 12 gauge aluminum wire. 6 strands around the perimeter and 5 for inside fences. While I can find most things locally, aluminum wire is not one of them, so I search the web.
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
Starting on developing a 10 acre permaculture homestead in a sub-urban area. see http://www.my10acres.info
Let your freak flag fly. Mine is this tiny ad on my clothes line.
Established homestead property 4 sale east of Austin TX