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What is a Mother Tree ?
Trying to achieve self-reliance on a tiny suburban plot:
Charli Wilson wrote:I'm East Midlands these days, but I used to live in Dudley (admittedly, some years ago!). *waves*
I get the 'terrifyingly practical'- I have friends whom, every time they visit I seem to be mixing cement or lime-plastering or something. They're always somewhat overwhelmed by it all!
Galadriel Freden wrote:Hi Hester,
Depending on where you are in the West Midlands, we might be sorta near-ish. Maybe. I'm American and when I tell British people my parents live near Las Vegas (which is their nearest major city), they are very surprised when I divulge it's a two hour drive. But to me, it's only a two hour drive! So near to me might not be near to you
Hester Winterbourne wrote:
I think Derbyshire gets in between! But still, it's closer than Arkansas! What's going on up in Yorkshire these strange quasi-autumnal days?
Trying to achieve self-reliance on a tiny suburban plot:
Galadriel Freden wrote:
I've got a gardener's tan and am barely keeping up with my runner beans! Today my small son and I foraged some wild mint, plantain, red clover, and alder; and we also found some wild raspberries and blackberries. How's your allotment?
Hester Winterbourne wrote:
What do you use the alder for?
Trying to achieve self-reliance on a tiny suburban plot:
This one time, at band camp, I had relations with a tiny ad.
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