We are doing something somewhat similar for our on-farm slaughterhouse and butcher shop - that is to say using winter's cold and thermal mass. But winter alone is not enough to keep the temperature of the freezer low enough all year round. To maintain top quality in the product (meat) we want lower temperatures than we can get by just season cycle swinging.
Additionally we are adding new product all year. Keeping a piece of meat cold is not so hard. But transitioning it from the 103°F of the live animal to the low frozen temperatures (<15°F and ideally <-10°F) is much harder. In fact, it is crossing the freezing point that is the energy problem.
Lastly, we have to do this every week with new product as we slaughter and butcher the next round of pigs. Most of that is kept fresh but anything that is to be frozen has to cross that energy threshold and it is a doozy.
For this reason, in addition to using thermal mass and our cold outside winter air, we'll also be using a compressor. But I do have a plan, we have great micro-hydro potential and can generate our own electricity.
Sugar Mountain Farm
Pastured Pigs, Sheep & Kids
in the mountains of Vermont
Read about our on-farm butcher shop
http://SugarMtnFarm.com/butchershop http://SugarMtnFarm.com/csa