@ Michael - Appreciate your kind comments. Definitely don't mind you sharing the video as there appears to be a dearth of mini RMHs and this may help others.
@ Allen - We are in High Desert country at close to 5000 feet so winters can get below zero. Kitchen area is about 20 x 12 so 240 sq ft; hallway nearby is about 30 sq ft; two rooms off that get a little
boost in temp - about 140 and 120 sq ft, respectively... these have
solar hot air boxes that work great on sunny days. Cloudy days in mid winter we ran the stove for many hours. Backup system is forced air "natural" gas.
@ Glenn & Satamax - Thanks for your input and suggestions. We didn't go for max efficiency since this was our first attempt at an
RMH and we wanted to use what we were able to get cheap or free as well as get an idea of how well it worked. Had ideas of building a bigger and/or system but doesn't look like it's happening this year due to time constraints.