I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
Travis Schulert wrote:Greenhouse On The Cheap: pros, cons, and modifications.
If you have not yet read my posts explaining my current living situation and homestead please follow the links below.
Tiny Home
Our Homestead
How we got land to farm for free
So in the spring of 2014, having accepted money for 16 CSA shares we had to double dig 3700 sq ft and properly amend all of it in a month. The greenhouse had to go up as soon as the ground was thawed enough to get a stake in the ground.
Everything I chose for this greenhouse was due to needing it to be quick and easy.
Used 2 10’ pvc pipe 1” thick for each complete rib, Joined in the middle with a tee fitting.
Each rib spaced 2’ apart.
A half inch pvc pipe was stuck a couple feet in the ground and that is what the ribs would slide over on each side.
I built the end walls out of scrap 2x4 and put a door at one end and 2 automatic windows that open and close on their own based on temperature. Without electricity. I highly suggest these they are affordable and could save your life.
I had an older inline fan that I use in spring when I need to keep it cool for the greens still in the greenhouse. I try not to use it too much.
The end walls and side skirting are held up with T-Posts pounded down a foot above ground, Then salvaged 2x12 is screwed to the T-Posts and from there the plastic is fastened to the skirting and the end walls.
Tables run along the sides and are pressed firmly into the sides to help bow them outs and for support. It can take quite a snow load, I just knock the snow off when any collects and I have never had a collapse.
The plastic tees just kept breaking at random times after I first set it up. So I used a bunch of duck tape to protect the plastic and that lasted 2 seasons. This fall I took the tape off, bought new tees, and used a heat gun to soften them up, then with some help from a friend we eased it into the right bend, held it till it hardened and they held like champs. I show a picture of a broken one and then the modified molded one below.
Besides that it has out performed what I originally expected it to do. I did not think the pvc would hold up this good but hey, I’ll take it.
I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
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