Day 269
A dark day for Ava. The department of ducks has been attacked. There were two casualties. Gigantor the Benevolent and Petunia the Valiant succumbed to the darkness of predatory forces.
I failed in my duty to protect them. I foolishly didn't close them up overnight and a predator, (a coyote or bobcat perhaps,) took the opportunity to strike.
The ducks have been totally free-range during the day for months now, only locked up in their hollow during the night. Now that there's been an attack, I don't feel comfortable letting them free-range without supervision, and while the ultimate goal is to finish the perimeter
fence around Ava and perhaps eventually get a livestock guardian dog or two, for now I've confined the ducks to a coop and run.
The size of their new run is much smaller than their normal range, and while they do at least have the ability to get outside in the sunlight, and there isn't much forage available for them this time of year anyway, I don't like having to keep them in what is basically a jail. When I'm around they can venture out under my watchful eye, but at least until there's more human activity up here and/or the perimeter fence is completed, the ducks will be locked up in their run for their own protection.