If you are not killing with chemicals or salts most poplars can be incredibly determined. You
should specify type of poplar.
Hybrid poplars and cottonwods are not prone to suckering as long as you do NOT disturb the soil ie cut the roots. These trees can be killed off by girding the trunk and destroying the few suckers. Girding is best done just after the leaves are out in the spring as they seem to be less inclined to try and sucker. Be aware it takes at least 2 full years(possibly 3) before you can disturb the roots without getting suckers everywhere you cut a
root. Every time you cut a root if it is not attached to a growing tree it will try to make one. You can chop a root in 20 pieces and get at least 20 suckers starting off that root. Cottonwoods can also be killed by 5 to 6 months of continous immersion in
water. They like it short term and will actually look healthier but after months of the roots all being under water they begin to die.
Aspen sucker like crazy with no soil disturbance. Kill the main tree, dig as many roots as you can and then mow everything for a number of years.
Other types of poplar I have no
experience with.
Country oriented nerd with primary interests in alternate energy in particular solar. Dabble in gardening, trees, cob, soil building and a host of others.