I'm not a chicken owner, but I've had success doctoring our cats, us too. I keep a salve on hand made of equal parts Yellow Dock, Plantain, Mullien, and Comfrey. It works well for us. Neosporin is a thing of the past in our home. You really don't have time to let that stuff infuse though... If you have some Comfrey, you may want to "tie" some to her head. Comfrey helps new cells to grow, speeding the healing process.
I repeat, I'm not a chicken owner, but what I imagine, is a small piece of Comfrey, roughed up (or chewed) so that it's kinda damp from it's own juices, slightly larger than the wound, held in place by a bit of Vetwrap. This stuff, trimmed to an appropriate size:
https://www.amazon.com/Ever-Ready-First-Aid-Adherent/dp/B01LXXCK5K/ref=sr_1_3_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1532488036&sr=8-3&keywords=vet+wrap+3+inch It's self adherant, but it is NOT sticky.
If such a 'bandaid' could actually work, and you have no Comfrey, you could use Plantain instead, roughing up the leaf (or chewed) as described. Plantain is antibacterial. And MILD analgesic (pain killer).
An article with pictures of the most common Plantains for identification purposes.
Note that I've not used this site before, but the only new to me info on this single page is that "The leaves contain allantoin, which stimulates cellular growth and tissue repair..." Huh. I guess you don't need the Comfrey (which content of alletoin is the cell builder) after all! I did do a quick search, and other sites also confirm the allentoin content of Plantain. She also includes a quick heated method of making a salve. I infuse mine without heat, for several weeks. Just because that is how I learned to do it. A friend uses the heating method on the herbal salves that she sells, so it is an appropriate method.
Good luck!
Edit to add: I've found Vetwrap at farm supply type stores. I imagine a
feed store would also carry it.