Idle dreamer
Mike E wrote:
What's your solution?
Idle dreamer
What's the purpose of the course? To give you practical, hands on experience...You need a project/practical angle to it.
TheLight wrote:
In addition to the test, recommendations are required. These come from people for which you have done projects. I would suggest at least one full project proposal with documentation, plus a second design as a minimum. These would be evaluated by the certification body.
Idle dreamer
Perma Republican wrote:
It is my life goal to do two things: design a permaculture in St Augustine for my family
Idle dreamer
Jonathan_Byron wrote:
or spirituality?
Idle dreamer
my point is that people are trying to draw the map and give instructions on how to get somewhere before they have agreed on where they are going.
BenjaminBurchall wrote:
Should there be levels of more levels of certification like Permaculture Practitioner, Permaculture Designer, Permaculture Teacher? How about specialized certification for people to specialize in particular areas like drylands permaculture, food production, technology overlay, urban food systems, etc?
Jonathan_Byron wrote:
What is the purpose of the course? To introduce as many people as possible to permaculture (quickest and cheapest), to help some people develop moderate expertise,
Jonathan_Byron wrote:
That sort of model seems very good for community self-advancement. It won't meet all needs for certification, but fills one niche. Getting the top scout achievement (Eagle Scout) does get respect from some quarters - some employers favor it, it is good for college admission and scholarships.
Earthgrown wrote:
There are times when someone will have to have the final say, and that person should probably be Paul Wheaton.
Earthgrown wrote:
In the end you want a free product that anyone anywhere can use to teach themselves with.
BenjaminBurchall wrote:
I don't know about that. Paul hasn't signed up for this thing I put out there
BenjaminBurchall wrote:
Perhaps there would be several final authorities - one in each field of study in a comprehensive training? No one person knows everything about all the fields that come under permaculture.
TheLight wrote:
If someone wants to learn it, present the material free. If someone wants to be certified in it, presumably to teach or get credentials for a business, charge them for the test and project review. That way we get the message out there, provide high quality learning materials to all, and also provide some level of confidence to others that someone certified in permaculture actually has some clue/experience. The rate should be set so that the group can be self-sufficient in terms of postage and hosting and content generation.
TheLight wrote:
Also, why limit ourselves to content we create or that is licensed under the CC? The internet is a great place and part of what makes it that is the simple ability to link to other things. Although we can't link to torrents or videos of licensed materials, we can link to many youtube videos and other quality content we find. I would hope this body would go out and contact those with quality videos/meterials and ask for permission to include them. That's not to say that we shouldn't generate our own content, just that we should explore other ways of getting it as well.
TheLight wrote:
Finally, I would suggest we add the NC to the CC license. I wouldn't want to put all this effort into something only to have someone else package it up and sell it without contributing back.
Earthgrown wrote:
Happily link away Long term though you want as much as possible to be covered under the CC license so that you're not at someone else mercy for content. If you use video from youtube, which I am all for, the owner can for whatever reason remove it from youtube or change it, also down the road you locked into using youtube and you may not want to be. No great hurry, but sooner or later you want to have control over the material. Ant the best of both worlds is if someone gives you the OK to use existing material directly. Anything that is already covered under the CC license you can use and improve upon without having to ask, the license itself give you the right to use it.
If you use we used the NC designation then we as the creators could use the work in a teaching environment, but not a local community college, or nursery, or anyone we certified.; unless they were willing to teach the course for free. I need to look into the NC aspect more, but that how it looks at first glance.
Once it's out there free, its pretty hard to get anyone to pay real money for it. I can't think of anything off the top of my head that anyone has made a real profit from once its CC licensed.
Paul Cereghino- Ecosystem Guild
Maritime Temperate Coniferous Rainforest - Mild Wet Winter, Dry Summer
Paul Cereghino wrote:
I suspect that we need more sites, not more certificates.
Western Washington (Zone 7B - temperate maritime)
I'm sure glad that he's gone. Now I can read this tiny ad in peace!
12 DVDs bundle