Idle dreamer
The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings. - Masanobu Fukuoka
Zone 5a in Central Ontario, Canada
Travis Philp wrote:
I just built a bed in august, and immediately planted radish, fava beans, wax beans, turnips, and rapini. There were no added fertilizers, manures, or other nutrient inputs. All we used were logs, with twigs piled on top, then upturned sod ontop of that, and about 5-6 inches of sandy depleted soil to finish it off.
The growth of the crops mentioned above has been in keeping with what I would expect out of a manured garden.
My understanding is that if you have a layer of branches/twigs on top of the larger logs, the branches will start leaching nutrients quickly enough for your crops to use.
How works
What is a Mother Tree ?
Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. Stay Curious
Burra Maluca wrote:
Check out this thread for a no-cost, almost instant cure for nitrogen deficient plants, in this case under mulch but I'm pretty sure the same 'cure' would work in hugel beds.
notomoro wrote:
Hello All, Would Cedar work for making my hugelkultur?
Idle dreamer
Zone 5a in Central Ontario, Canada
Travis Philp wrote:
Ellen, you don't need the wood ashes, pee will work fine on its own. I think there should be more water added to a mix without wood ashes, than with, because the wood ash would help lower the acidity of the urine.
As for when to add the much longer until you get a hard (killing) frost? What zone are you in?
Travis Philp wrote:
Then I'd suggest going ahead with the golden shower
Zone 5a in Central Ontario, Canada
Western Washington (Zone 7B - temperate maritime)
Charles Kelm wrote:
Regarding CEDAR in hugelkultur - cedar is alelopathic (spelling?), meaning it contains chemicals which retard the growth of other plants. Not a good choice for hugelkulture. I don't believe any conifer is a good hugelkulture candidate. I will delete this post if someone knowledgeable tells me I am wrong.
Zone 5a in Central Ontario, Canada