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Susan Monroe wrote:
I read a lot, always have. My mother taught me to read before I entered school, and I am mostly self-educated. The public school system was a twelve-year exercise in boredom, conflicting information, poor teaching methods and teachers who should have been fired.
"One cannot help an involuntary process. The point is not to disturb it. - Dr. Michel Odent
"One cannot help an involuntary process. The point is not to disturb it. - Dr. Michel Odent
Susan Monroe wrote:
One joint in your car and you've got a criminal record. How stupid is that?
Susan Monroe wrote:
But there was one very different situation during Prohibition that we don't have much of anymore, and that's juries who know what they can do and what they cannot do. Did you know that the bottom-line reason that Prohibition was repealed was that they couldn't get convictions? Yep. The jurors then knew that they could vote not only for or against the guilt of a defendant, but against a law that they considered a bad law. It's called 'juror nullification' when a juror refuses to convict a person because of a bad or misapplied law.
Today, most jurors are woefully ignorant. Judges routinely neglect (deliberately) to give them accurate information and instructions. Judges are interested in controlling the case. Few judges and prosecutors want today's jurors to be informed; they want ignorant jurors. It makes their jobs easier, and gives them power beyond the legal limit of their authority.
As one attorney on another discussion board said, "It's not a justice system, it's a legal system". Justice hasn't been much in evidence in courts for quite a long time. Courts and judges aren't interested in justice, they are only interested in determining how each case fits the laws that exist that day. The fact that the laws are changed to suit certain parties on a daily basis seems to totally escape them.
If anyone wants to learn more about what you can do as a juror, you may want to contact the FIJA, the Fully Informed Jury Association. They are a non-profit organization that promotes education and justice. More info can be had at their website at http://fija.org/ .
If you vote or have a driver's license, you can be called to jury duty. It's a good idea to get some info from the FIJA and study it before you need it.
I can tell you that it was a real eye-opener for me. I realized that if I were accused of a crime, I would want a jury who knew what they could and could not do, who didn't have to depend on the judge's flawed instructions to make their decision. Would you?
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