MarlaKC wrote:
Is anyone watching what's happening all over the world right now?
It sounds like the whole world is standing up against corporate greed! WOW!!!
Gotta go do more surfing.
H Ludi Tyler wrote:
One of the demands is to close the gap between the rich and everyone else. Just talking about there being such a gap here in the US is unusual, as most people are not aware of it but rather think the US is somewhat equal in its wealth distribution. The US has one of the greatest wealth disparities in the developed world. Many, perhaps most, Americans still believe wealth is created by virtuous hard work and that if people just work hard enough, they too will be rich. Social mobility in the US is actually lower than in most European countries, with the rich getting richer, the rest of us getting poorer.
Wealth distribution in the US:
Wealth distribution in the world:
Solutions (or actions, at least) being demanded include as mentioned increasing taxes on the wealthy, also, removing personhood from corporations (reverse the Citizens United decision) and reinstatement of the Glass-Steagall Act which regulated the activity of banks, among others.
Lolly K wrote:
I'm sure each protestor at any of the "Occupy" sites would have good reason for being there. However, it is the lack over oversight and regulation in the corporate world, coupled with draconian hurdles for new small business start-ups that has led us to this impasse, IMO.
H Ludi Tyler wrote:
100% agree.
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My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Danimal wrote:
I went to Occupy Amsterdam on the 15th : ) I love the Occupy Wall Street Movement, I've been waiting so long. It really is a big deal: I don't think people in 1000 cities in over 80 countries have ever before simultaneously protested the same cause. To those who criticize, all I can say is - history has already been made, and hopefully this is just the beginning. I have been blogging about the movement, and have written a page about permies at Wall Street who are have built a greywater system and are looking to build a Humanure collection point : ) If anyone is interested,
Brice Moss wrote:
I'm starting to think that the chance to stand around griping about things without actually offering solutions is the big driving force here.
It's time to get positive about negative thinking -Art Donnelly
It's time to get positive about negative thinking -Art Donnelly
Our inability to change everything should not stop us from changing what we can.
Atomdari wrote:
remember that the people of the tea party are all still people though. they can choose to push their movement wherever they want, just like OWS can.
the argument of that picture just shows how much the two sides are stuck in their ways of thought right now though, but with some time and understanding of what each other wants through normal talking, there isn't any reason that the two parties of protest wouldn't be able to join, at least partially.
it's just an issue of the media vilifying one side or the other instead of sitting in and trying for peaceful conversation. just talk it out over a game of chess or some food. a plate of good food makes any debate better.
Atomdari wrote:
they need their voices to begin to ring clear on some levels of demands.
Idle dreamer
Atomdari wrote:
but there has not of yet, been an official statement on that.
Idle dreamer
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