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Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
"Draw your own conclusions, but draw them in pencil so you can change them again later."
-- Douglas Black
List of Bryant RedHawk's Epic Soil Series Threads We love visitors, that's why we live in a secluded cabin deep in the woods. "Buzzard's Roost (Asnikiye Heca) Farm." Promoting permaculture to save our planet.
Bryant RedHawk wrote:First thing to do is locate the CAR infected juniper tree and prune out and properly dispose of those branches.
Second thing to do is prune out all the infected parts of the apple trees and properly dispose of those parts. (proper disposal is bag and seal, bag and seal the first bag, take to land fill or find a working incinerator to burn them in. they need around 1200 degrees f to be destroyed)
Then make a good aerated compost tea and spray the apple trees with it, repeat this step once a month for 12 months of growing season.
Also spray the compost tea on any juniper tree you find to prevent a recurrence.
David Lucey wrote:Most 'spitters' (apples from seed) still make great hard cider.
List of Bryant RedHawk's Epic Soil Series Threads We love visitors, that's why we live in a secluded cabin deep in the woods. "Buzzard's Roost (Asnikiye Heca) Farm." Promoting permaculture to save our planet.
Scott Foster wrote:
... I'm actually amazed at the Kazak seeds I got from the USDA. I purchased 75 seeds and I was super worried about them because it took so long to figure out where and how to get them.
I started a pack of 25 and every single seed sprouted. These things are like seeds on steroids. Just yesterday I took a batch out of the fridge that started sprouting. One of the seeds has already pushed through the soil and dropped the seed husk.
I'm seriously impressed...now if some of them can handle the CAR we're in business.
"Draw your own conclusions, but draw them in pencil so you can change them again later."
-- Douglas Black
Who knew that furniture could be so violent? Put this tiny ad out there to see what happens:
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