William Bronson wrote:Welcome to Permies!
Me own mum has commercially purchased cages for her two small vegetable gardens.
We have had issues with the closures and with rabbits chewing through the plastic netting.
With that in mind, I suggest a high tunnel/hoop house, made of chicken wire or hardware cloth over EMT tubing or rear.
R. Steele wrote:Hi Donald,
My best suggestion, reintroduce preditors, like Pine Martins, Weasels, Rat Snakes or what ever is the most effective: and a native preditor in your area, that won't be to pesky. Also encourage those native preditors in your area, to help control the rodent population, by improving preditor habitat, of preditors least likely to cause you issues. If you keep chickens, you'll need to make sure they are protected from the preditors your encouraging. Sometimes a Redtail Hawk perch, or other habitats to attract raptors and natural preditors, will keep rodents in balance, and not as emboldened to terrorize your garden. Since permaculture is working with nature to maintain balance, and find solutions. While also encouraging the benefits that healthy balence provides, its always best to encourage nature to find balance which takes care of itself. If this isn't possible, you may find temporary relief from decoys, like decoy owls or snakes, though in some cases, the unwanted rodents quickly figure the decoys out. Unfortunately, sometimes without those native preditors to keep healthy balance, trapping becomes natures friend, to prevent boom and bust cycles. Which through desecration of their available food sources, can cause starvation, disease and and untold suffering, that wouldn't occure with proper preditor balence: typically imbalance caused by pushing out preditors from human development. So if trapping becomes the case to prevent destruction of your property, maybe consider using the refuse for fertalizer, that way your at least turning the problem into a sustainable solution. Dig a hole where you plan on adding a tree, bury a measure of the accumulation of rodents there, and next season, it will be pre-fertalized and ready to plant your tree or plant.
Those aren't necessarily feel good solutions, unless you feel good about restoring balance in nature, and not wasting natural resources.
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William Bronson wrote:Welcome to Permies!
Me own mum has commercially purchased cages for her two small vegetable gardens.
We have had issues with the closures and with rabbits chewing through the plastic netting.
With that in mind, I suggest a high tunnel/hoop house, made of chicken wire or hardware cloth over EMT tubing or rear.
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