> cutting propane line...
Good: Thinking out of the box. ... Or... Desperation! <G> Seriously, that's sometimes how one must proceed. HOWEVER: Don't do it yet. <g> Figure out with some degree of confidence _exactly_ how you're going to splice it back together or re-run the whole line. Before you go cutting it.
You say you got an identical connection you can reach to work with? Gonzo! Take a picture of it so we all can get in on the fun. <g> Assuming you really can reach it ok, and that it's some kind of flare connection (or union, if you prefer), this is how I'd approach it:
1) Threaded connections connections _almost_ always will yield to brute force provided you get a solid hold on each side of the connection with the lever arms (the length of the wrench) long enough to apply overwhelming force. Here is a short dissertation on using force to get pipes apart. Fear and awe doesn't cut it. There is some real thought and technique needed. You must have long enough lever arms; for a 1/2" pipe that would be 24" of lever arm (both of them) in my case.
edit: You get 24" lever arms onto small pipes by using _steel_ 8" to 12" wrenches with cheater bars slipped over the handles. Try the with aluminum wrenches, you'll likely break the wrench handle.
Both wrenches must HOLD. That would seem obvious but in fact setting those wrenches properly to NOT SLIP actually takes thought and care. Then the problem often comes down to how to keep the "backup" wrench immobile while applying very excessive force on the side you hope to move. When I attack an old galvanized joint that I have removed from a wall (sometimes I've been on a job, have the problem solved, except... I NEED that one fitting on the old pipe I removed) I have set the two wrenches and placed the "fixed" wrench on a
concrete floor and stood on it while a wrenched with an equally long handle on the other side of the joint. What I'm trying to say here is that even when the joint is wide open and you know it can come apart and will... It's not necessarily duck soup to get it yield. The tools by themselves won't do it for you, nor will, often, huge muscle - you have to apply some real thought and care and imagination, even. This stuff can require some 3-dimensional ingenuity. Ideally when fighting with a joint you want the fixed wrench to be backed up by something totally solid. For example, I've been in situations where I failed to move the joint even though I had it immobilized on the floor. But when I moved the operation to the CONCRETE garage floor, I got it apart. Now, move this hair raising recital to the insides of some delicate piece of equipment and you start to see why some plumbers can and some... can't.
OK, there's more. When wrenching (or any seriously extreme application of force) _don't_ bend your elbows. There is no strength there and you might hurt yourself. Pull or push with from your shoulder keeping your arms straight, elbows locked. You can actually apply several hundred pounds of force pushing with one straight arm and pulling with the other using your chest muscles. Don't pull with your weight unless you _really_ know what you're doing - something lets go and bad things might happen. Your hands (and the handles) need to be close together because your shoulders only have a few inches of movement with full strength. Finally, in a tight place, if you cannot position yourself to use your shoulders, set the opposing wrenches so they are almost aligned, then _squeeze_ them together with your hands. If you can get your hands out near the ends of the handles, his is one of strongest forces you can apply and is often my preferred way to open joints.
Not done yet. No matter what approach you are executing there is a reasonable chance of something slipping, letting go. Take a few seconds to visualize what will happen to your tender flesh _when_ that happens and don't put any body parts where they might get maimed - caught between wrenches, jammed into the concrete forced into the sharp sheet metal edge of an appliance. It happens, I promise, so do allow for it.
All part of the plumbers day. The second approach:
2) The "hot wrench". Although some people blanche at the thought of applying a torch to gas line, I and all the plumbers I know have done it repeatedly. Just make sure the gas is out of the line _and_ that the line is open, not closed. Lighting the gas in an (almost) closed line can (but probably won't - not much oxygen in there) cause an explosion while lighting the gas in an open line will cause a brief (.2-.5 second) PUFFF of flame and residual gas burns and your hand might have a really bad burnt hair smell for an hour. OK. I don't believe in soft pedaling stuff. If you don't feel like applying heat to a gas joint, don't. I just gave you legitimate reasons to be concerned and not to do it with a clear conscience. However. For many plumbers it's SOP - you have to decide whether you're on top of things enough to do _all_ the necessary checks before sparking up your flame. In your situation I'd buy a small hand torch like found at home centers for about $20. They're about the size of an old fashioned C-cell flashlight with a right angle for the burner at the top. They usually run on butane and you want one that locks on. Click start is worth the extra $10. A trigger safety is just a PITA, but if you can't avoid it, whatever. Get the largest version of this little toy torch - the size is right for this job, whereas the standard propane torch is probably too large and its flame is almost too large. Make a plan: Lay out your weapons. You're going to make the "nut" quite hot, but you still need to get wrenches onto the joint and apply significant force and you have to do it quickly and hopefully w/out burning yourself too much. You want to heat the female part of the joint, the part that goes around, encloses, the male threads; make this part expand with the heat and all a sudden, the joint is a LOT easier to open. Apply the flame to the "nut" and try _not_ to apply it anywhere else. You want the nut to grow - which is does when it gets hot - and you'd rather not have the rest of the joint grow as fast. If it starts to glow cherry red you're definitely "there", could'a stopped sooner. But you probably won't get it red with a little toy torch; that's part of the reason it's the right tool for this job (but you _will_ get it hot enough to burn yourself good, so take care). Drop the torch (click it off first) and wrench it. Finer points include trying to heat evenly around the nut, not burning stuff behind the joint (thin sheet metal or even tin foil does quite well as a flame shield but remember to check behind it occasionally...).
There's a lot of other detail that you'll come across if you proceed here. Be sensible, go slow, etc. As I said earlier, it's quite possible to break things. But it's also possible to get the part or equivalent and put them back together right. This isn't brain surgery.
The gorilla option:
3) This isn't always appropriate, especially if you haven't yet broken stuff. It's an acquired taste. But it can get a lot of force onto an awkward joint. Set the "backup", fixed, wrench _solidly_ (against something so that side of the joint can't turn). Then use a small (3-5 lbs) sledge hammer (the tool is usually shorter than a normal hammer) and hit the handle of the opening wrench which you've set onto the joint. Or, set the opening wrench and then place then end of a short piece of 1/2 or 3/4" pipe against that wrench and hit the other end of the pipe. That's another one that almost always get the joint open, but... It might also do other things, especially if the backup wrench slips off. Oh, and this also will break aluminum wrenches. Gotta use steel wrenches.
OK. I've gone through the long, long detailed post because from what you have said you have a threaded joint available and threaded joints _will_ open. Going through this and opening the one you can reach will show you what is involved and just how hard it is or is not, for you. The "hot wrench" is probably the most likely bet, but because you have to practice setting those wrenches, trying it cold to start is the way to go. Failing at that will also tell you just how hard you might have to wrench and how well your wrenches, and you, will work. Because you have to do almost the same thing to open the hot joint but you need to do it quickly and w/out burning yourself (too much).
I guess to be fair, I should mention that when you open a joint you usually must get it back together so it doesn't leak. And _that_ doesn't always "just happen". There might be another adventure there. So are you _sure_ you've done _all_ the trouble shooting and testing of that heater in place, hooked up and all that? <g>
Oh, thermocouples. I think you said you have the manual. If you do and you're sure it's the right manual, just do exactly what it says. A good manual is really the first place to spend lots of time; best bang for the buck, fewest mistakes. If it's not clear, google the product name/model including the words "problem" "flame" "not light" or various other likely hints. Good chance somebody else has been there. If nothing pops, drop the model number and try again. Might save you lots of hassle, even though that will certainly improve your character. But plumbers cheat, take no prisoners and try to get home by 5pm. Good character and $5 will only get you a latte at Starbucks - after the job is done.