I’m working on a similar outdoor located heater idea. What about building a Minnie
Mouse rocket heater in a
greenhouse with a
water heater attachment. Then pump the
hot water into the house. This way all the heat is used for something. Maybe a tank inside to act as mass?
Or a system in a trailer next to the house so next time you move it’s all ready to go and use somewhere else. Mobile systems is turning into my specialty. I’m going to buy a 20 foot semi truck trailer and turn it into a
workshop complete with heater. Going up and down the ramp will be a bit of a hassle but I need the exercise. Or I can park it against a loading dock.
I’m building a miniature outdoor pellet burner with a water heating attachment. A RV needs <10,000 btu so
should be more than
enough. A house is a different story. Would a Minnie Mouse be enough. They moved the Minnie around from cabin to cabin in one
thread so that is a testament to its portability.
Anyway, let us know what you come up with.