Hi Howard, to put it in basic terms ...there are certain areas and components where metal is not a suitable material to use, as a properly operating,
rocket stove is constructed and designed to operate at temperatures beyond the ability for steel to have any longevity and it will quickly degrade.
The heat riser is particularly important and needs to be efficiently insulated if you want a clean burn.
In recent years Ceramic fibre products have proven to be extremely effective in the rocket stoves construction and are easy to use.
There are many threads on this forum that show how a basic J tube can be constructed, if you just want an instant space heater with no heat holding mass, then they are quite easy to build and very basic in design but you need to use proper refractory materials and insulation in the correct areas.
Ceramic fibre is available in several forms, namely ... flexible matting and ridged board, with these products it is possible to construct a long lasting and highly efficient rocket stove.
There are other materials that can be used like refractory cement or clay, insulation materials like perlite, vermiculite that can be mixed in with the clay but they will be far more time consuming to work with .
A basic 6” J tube built with ceramic fibre products and a steel barrel radiator will produce huge amount of radiant heat with no visible smoke exiting the chimney.