We're working on defining the remaining levels for a number of badges. We could use your help coming up with more items that could be added to the various lists! If you haven't heard of
PEP yet, please check out
This Thread.
In the past we've set up badges where you have to do a set number of things from a list. The issue with that is that jump starting a vehicle isn't as hard as building a gate. So instead, we're using a point based system. Get a vehicle unstuck, earn a point. Winterize a property, earn 4 points. Earn 35 points and you have the
Straw badge completed.
Occasionally there will be a range of points for some items. Otis doesn't care exactly how your
tractor was stuck and how you unstuck it. But he may be more impressed if you demolish a full barn as compared to a
chicken coop. So when a skill has a range, most people will earn the minimum end of the range. Going above and beyond and doing something truly impressive is where the upper end of the range will come in.
Now that we're using a point system, it will be easy to have items that bridge between badges. Putting an addition onto a house may earn points for homesteading and plumbing and electricity.
I could use some help adding more artifacts to the lists, building out a potential Iron list and double checking that I'm not way off base on how hard some items are relative to the rest of them.
straw badge 35 points
drive a truck and trailer backwards - with turns ½ point
Do a minimum of 10 items from this list
Up to 10 points of duplication allowed
Items from Sand "Big List" can be be completed for 1 point each as well
Tow a vehicle 100 yards with another vehicle - 1 point
Make a one handed gate latch - 2 points
Repair 400’ of a traditional
fence - 2 points
Repair a corner brace for a
fence - 2 points
Build a corner brace for a fence - 3 points
Set up a fly trap (drowning style) - ½ point
Set up a mosquito trap - ½ point
Add appropriate minnows/goldfish to animal
water trough - ½ point
Get a vehicle/tractor unstuck from mud or snow - 1 point
Jump start a vehicle - ½ point
Put chains on a set of drive tires (tractor, vehicle, etc) - 1 point
Cover something with a tarp so that it stays put for 6 months - ½ point
Cover cargo with a tarp so it stays dry during transit - ½ point
Set up an equipment file for owner’s manuals and other equipment information - ½ point
Set up a spare parts kit in the shop for a piece of equipment - ½ point
Make, attach and fill a mobile tool kit for a piece of equipment (shear pins, wrench, etc) - 1 point
Make a “carry all” attachment for a tractor - 3 points
Set up a family reference document that explains how each part of the homestead works for the other residents - 1 point
- Here’s how to winterize the camper
- Here’s how to turn off the gas/water/electricity to the house
Scythe an area of 100 square feet (ditch, around pole building, etc) - ½ point
Use a 3 point hitch implement on a tractor (brushhog, box blade, disk, etc) and do work for 15 min - ½ point
Remove snow from a roof safely - 2 points
Spread manure/compost on a pasture - 1/2 point
Dragging/moving a large down tree 100’ for processing (sawmill,
firewood, etc) - 1 point
>18” diameter, >8’ long
Build a gate for vehicles - 4 points
Clean up messes made by prior owners or tresspassers - 2 points per cubic
Set up a short term covered materials storage area for peeled logs, fence posts, metal parts, etc - 1 point
Set up a materials storage area for things that don’t need protection (gravel, sand, bricks, blocks, rocks, etc) - 1 point
Set up a hidden boneyard - 1 point
Salvage building materials from a small building - 8 points
- Nails removed, ends of boards cut square, stored appropriately
Correct a structural defect with an outbuilding - 4-16 points
Fix a leaking roof - 2 points
Correctly make a roof penetration - 2 points
Whitewash or limewash a barn interior - 8 points
Repoint 200 sqft of rubble foundation - 8 points
Winterize the property in the fall - 4 points
Paint a 200 square foot wall - 2 points
Add a lean-to to an existing building - 16 points
Make a small Jean Pain
compost system (4+ cu yards) - 8 points
Make a car safety bag (blanket, candle, etc) - 1 point
wood badge 180 points
Drive a truck/tractor/vehicle backwards with a wagon (front wheels of wagon turn with tongue) - ½ pt
Up to 30 new points (non duplicates) from Straw allowed
Up to 40 points of duplication from Wood, Straw or Sand "Big list" allowed (Big List items count as 1 point each)
Do a minimum of 3 items from this list
Salvage building materials from a large down building - 16 points
Salvage and raze a large building - 40-100 points
Move an outbuilding (simple to no foundation) to a new site - 8 points
Move an outbuilding (more involved foundation) to a new site - 16 points
Replace a roof on a building - 20 points
Remove a silo - 20 points
Shovel snow and sand ice for a winter (>8 times) - 10 points
Build a free standing shop or barn (>300 square feet) - 80 points
Build a small
Oehler style
greenhouse (<100 square feet) - 60 points
Make a large Jean Pain compost system (10+ cubic yards) - 24 points
Put a 3 season (unheated, uninsulated) addition onto a house under an existing roof - 16 Homesteading points, 4 Dimensional Woodworking points
Put a 3 season (unheated, uninsulated) addition onto a house and add the roof - 60 Homesteading points, 20 Dimensional Woodworking points
iron badge
1030 points to come from
any of the Homesteading Straw, Wood or Iron lists
50% of the points can be duplicates, the rest need to be new activities
Put a 4 season (conditioned space) addition onto a house (min 100 sq ft) - 200 Homesteading points, 20 Dimensional Woodworking points, 20 Electricity points (if wiring involved), 20 Plumbing points (if plumbing involved)
Build a large Oehler style
greenhouse (>100 square feet) - 120 points