Hi Oddo
FWIW, I have on occasion had posts disappear. It's good to discuss it with the moderators as in your thread here. There _will_ be misunderstandings and sometimes more or less permanent disagreement between "reasonable people". The moderators always "win" of
course. <G> Is that a problem? No, not to my mind, especially considering that so far moderators seem to be willing and able to take a try at explaining things and have been more or less consistent.
I promise you, you are not suffering at the hands of an arbitrary censure by somebody having a bad day. As a whole moderators put in a _great_ deal of work which the site absolutely requires. So when your writing gets "edited", you're not dealing with just a momentary whim - these people spend hundreds of hours on this
project and most of them are probably not terribly rewarding or satisfying hours. You (we) are dealing with quite experienced working folk, doing their job, and incarnating together many thousands of hours of
experience. So far, from all appearances of this site, successfully. IOW, it's' not just about you or their special prejudice. Know the tree by it's fruit.
There are thousands of members of many different types and _all_ discussions must be kept civil and generally acceptable to all. Very tall order there. Thus the calls by our referees definitely lean toward the sweetness and light side. That does not prevent some serious in depth discussion but it _does_, at times, require some careful thought and phrasing and some awareness that some sensibilities are more delicate than others. I don't consider that unreasonable in the slightest - we all need to put some effort into maintaining good civic environment here. It isn't _that_ hard and in fact it's darn good practice - hones the persuasive delivery and might even bring out more creative thoughts.
And sometimes, of course, we suffer a (grievously ! <g>) unfair call and it smarts. Happens in sports all the time. Usually after a bit of exclamation, the game goes on and the the "victim" jumps back into play, albeit a little more daintily for a while. That's how it works for me, anyway.
For what it's worth, your "...Believe" thread looks like a good one to me.