Sustainable Plantations and Agroforestry in Costa Rica
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'Science is the father of knowledge, but opinion breeds ignorance.' - Hippocrates
There are too many new and different mistakes out there waiting to be made to be wasteing your time repeating the same old mistakes.
R. Peacock wrote: For most paleo people five foot was tall and fourty was old.
Idle dreamer
R. Peacock wrote: For most paleo people five foot was tall and fourty was old.
I'd love to see the peer reviewed studies you base this claim on. The studies I've seen, and there have been many, show the opposite. And by the way, fresh veggies are key to paleo et. all, and raw dairy, especially of the fermented kind is included in heavily in W-P and Primal. Thousands of paleo kids, mine included, are extremely strong and healthy and the peer reviewed data support it. Healthy kids grow up to be healthy adults. Giving kids autoimmune disease and diabetes by feeding them an ADA approved 'heart healthy diet' of whole grains is NOT good parenting, IMHO.R. Peacock wrote: A strick paleo diet would not be good for growing children
'Science is the father of knowledge, but opinion breeds ignorance.' - Hippocrates
There are too many new and different mistakes out there waiting to be made to be wasteing your time repeating the same old mistakes.
Idle dreamer
Tyler Ludens wrote:...It makes sense for me to use root crops as my staple, they grow well here for me, but, I'm not that good at cooking with them. By "root crops" I mean turnips, radish, beets, carrots, etc, not Irish potatoes. I would love to be able to grow nuts but so far have had little success getting nut trees started. Only pecans are likely to do well here and I've failed twice with them....
What are the staple foods you grow and have you had any trouble learning to base your diet on them?
I have chickens but I'm not sure how many eggs we should eat per day. I've heard the opinion of eggs is changing in the medical community, but are there any studies about dangers of eating too many eggs grown using natural means (not commercial feed)?
'Science is the father of knowledge, but opinion breeds ignorance.' - Hippocrates
Idle dreamer
Idle dreamer
greg patrick wrote:Welcome to the tribe! Going Weston-Price/Primal is what got us into permiculture and goats. We ferment the milk into yogurt and kefir, and despite what Robb Wolf says, raw milk is Da Bomb. Robbs problem is that most dairy is grained and pasteurized, which ours is not. Lots of primal oriented strength trainers like John Welbourn love fermented raw milk. Lots of good protein with most of the lactose fermented out. Lots of CLA and K2 too. Raw milk was expensive and our local producers grain their animals so we got a few goats. Now we have pastured chickens too. We feed our goats and chickens almost exclusively local green waste.
For breakfast today I'll start with 'primal coffee' which is raw goat milk, foamed with pastured butter, coconut oil, cinnamon and nutmeg and local raw honey (along with some organic decaf french roast).
Phil Hawkins wrote:I want n-6 free chicken!
Michael Radelut wrote:
Put positively: It's quite easy to get chickens to lay n-3-rich eggs
Idle dreamer
Idle dreamer
Idle dreamer
paul sanass wrote:I tried milk kefir but couldn't get a system going, could you please tell us about your system and some pics or video would be great if possible.
'Science is the father of knowledge, but opinion breeds ignorance.' - Hippocrates
greg patrick wrote:
paul sanass wrote:I tried milk kefir but couldn't get a system going, could you please tell us about your system and some pics or video would be great if possible.
It's extremely easy to make. Get a 1 gal glass container and fill it with raw milk. Add some kefir culture (a couple cups from a previous batch or a commercial product, or grains), set the jar in a coolish place. Shake once a day. When the whey and curds just begin to noticeably separate (1-4 days depending on temperature and the amount of culture added), pop it in the fridge and continue to shake every day or two. It will be drinkable at any point, but after it sits in the 'fridge for a week it's amazing! If you forget it and it goes too far and you have cheese floating on whey, just shake the hell out of it and let it sit in the fridge a week. Add a little honey or coconut milk powder if it's too tart. -g
R. Peacock wrote:My apoligies, what I was misinformed that paleo was a meat and fruit diet.
Phil Hawkins wrote:I have never had any interest in my diet, aside from what tasted good, but lately I had become more aware that I just didn't feel great a lot of the time.
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Agriculture collects solar energy two-dimensionally; but silviculture collects it three dimensionally.
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Adrian Lloyd wrote:I am also fed up of my bad diet and need a change in my diet plan. I am thinking of switching to Paleo diet plan because i have heard so many advantages plus benefits of this diet plan. But i would first consult a health professional before going for it.
What you guys say ?
Adrian Lloyd wrote:I am also fed up of my bad diet and need a change in my diet plan. ..........
What you guys say ?
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Jeanine Gurley wrote:When we go back to eating a variety of unprocessed foods and animal products that are not factory farmed I just don't see how we can go wrong.
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Jeanine Gurley wrote:Maybe I should have put the word variety in caps for emphasis.
Rion Mather wrote:Never heard of this. Am I reading this right, a Paleo is similar to a low carb diet?
'Science is the father of knowledge, but opinion breeds ignorance.' - Hippocrates
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