Solar dehydrator type heat input would work, but the actual space needed to hang clothes far enough apart to dry is a lot bigger than the space needed for dehydrator trays. Two thoughts, that go together here (or three, actually)
1. Look up solar air convection
heaters. It's basically the same tech as the dehydrator, only in brings hot air into the house. Using that to provide the heat for any space you care to hang things in would be effective, make sure there is an air flow output if you don't want the humidity in your home or the space you use. A drying shed might be a useful thing to have if you do a lot of laundry.
2. More effective than clothes drying racks that things drape over is a bar that you hang items on hangers, space them so there is airflow, they dry easily and neatly, in a smaller
3. The crunchy, as mentioned, is lack of movement. When the garment is dry, take it off the hanger and shake it hard, make it snap, and it won't be as crunchy.