if you looking for something that will produce a good crop there are some fantastic blueberry varieties that have been developed in the past 20 years that do extremely well.
you might take a trip out to the floral
city area to get a look at some of the fantastic blueberry operations people have in that area of the state.
I was there when all the citrus died off in winter of, I want to say 1982 or 1983, somewhere about that time just about all the citrus died off north of just about Frostproof and traveled though the state documenting it for a school
there are a few here and there that still grow. I have a friend in Gainesville that has a couple citrus trees planted in like kids pools that were still growing last time I was there a couple years ago, but, they are protected by HUGE ancient oak trees and other overgrowth.
pictures tell 1000 words and I see what your property looks like, no overgrowth protection, how many acres do you have there?