Hello Permies!
This summer I built a much anticipated sauna structure on my property. I had some timbers that needed to get used, so it became my first timber framing
project as well. The result is a very large sauna that consumed all of the time and money I had for the project for the time being. The floor is insulated, but it's unlikely that I'll be able to dive into additional insulating and finish carpentry until next summer.
So I have been trying to figure what will get my space, which is just under 1000 cubic feet, up near 200* for a couple hours.
I came across the cottage rocket while combing old permies threads and wondered if the non mass version might do the job. So, I'm putting these questions out there in hopes that someone may want to help me limp in the right direction:
Can a two barrel cottage rocket like the one attached get my space up to the desired temp?
Can I put a cottage rocket safely on a wooden floor?
Do plans exist for this stove and is anyone selling them? If not, it seems like there may be
enough pictures in old threads to put together a pretty good approximation but I may need some guidance on a few more precise measurements.
Am I heading in the right direction? - I know this is a dangerous thing to post on a forum - but any input is welcome :)
I also want to thank all of you for posting your obscure problems and solutions on this and other forums. My partner and I are starting a homestead in upstate New York without any
experience to speak of and it's all of your invaluable knowledge that makes it possible. Thank You!