Hi all,
I live in an urban area with a small
concrete yard, covered with planters then I grow all my plants in. I found a couple burrow holes in and thought it may have been the birds I’ve seen pecking about in them. Then my next door neighbour said she’s seen rats in her yard, and having watched a
video where Charles Dowding talks about rat burrows in his
compost bins, they look suspiciously like the burrows in my planters. I’ve no clue why they burrowed there unless they were trying to eat my daffodil/tulip bulbs.
I’m now concerned because it puts me at risk of disease growing food in soil that they might have contaminated. It puts my cat at risk of harm if he gets into a fight either with a rat directly, or possibly with another cat, if they come into my cat’s territory to investigate whichever rodent is burrowing.
It might just be a
mouse, but given what my next door neighbour said, I think it’s more likely to be the rats.
Any ideas what I can do? I’m concerned about using poison in case my cat finds either the poison itself, or a dead rat which it then might eat. I also don’t want poison to end up anywhere I might end up growing food, or anywhere my cat might step on it and end up ingesting it when he’s grooming.
With traps, it’s finding somewhere to put them where my cat couldn’t also access them. The obvious place would be near the burrow holes, which I filled back in with soil, but my cat can and does access those planters.
Any ideas? I’ve heard of chilli and garlic spray being used but don’t know if it would work on rats, or if it would hurt my cat. I’ve gotten chilli in my eye before, I would hate something similar to happen to my kitty if he walks across a sprayed area then grooms his face 😭🥺