2021 is proving to be a very challenging year for me. I wont bore you with the story, but garden wise if it could go wrong, it went wrong twice. I have been slowly converting my raised beds in my veggie garden to
hugel beets. I started after Christmas of 2020. I removed the
fence surrounding the garden, and got to work. From that time to now I have started and stopped working on the garden many times. I can't even say I'm finished even now. I am at a point I can plant. The only unfinished part is I still need to put
wood chips in about half of the paths. I live in N. California, so I
should have planted my garden about 2, 2 and 1/2 months ago. To say I'm getting a late start is a huge understatement! My son said why bother? Just wait and plant the fall garden. No veggies? No zucchini, or watermelon, or peppers? No just no. I bought large veggies, at the nursery's, which were actually a good price, because they know it's getting late. The few things I planted by seed will grow, or it wont. I know the beans will be fine because I know you can keep planting them until June. The radishes will be to hot to eat, but they will still be a great companion plant. The bunching onions, and flower seeds I through in there are anyone's guess, but it will be fun to see what pops up.
Usually when I plant my garden I have very detailed notes. I document what it is what brand of seed, or plant and all info needed for the future. This year I wrote down all the plants and veggie seeds. Then while I was planting I got
water in the bag holding the flower, bunching onions, and radish. I only have a short time until I have to get ready for work, so I broadcast the seeds in the beds, sprinkle a layer of
compost on the top and water. I guess it should be The better late then never random veggie garden. I can't wait to see what grows.