I keep my pelts for the simple reason of I don't want to waste it. So far I haven't found much use for them except for making my wife some nice soft slippers... twice (because the dog ate one - can't really blame him either since it is rabbit). They are extremely soft for those projects though - might make a blanket or something one day when I have
enough of them. Just have to make sure to keep it away from the dogs.
Either way I use this tool to dispatch them quickly as I can and hang them for easy butchering: They are a small family business and I have bought twice from them now - highly recommend it.
I could do a quick summary of the tanning process if you're interested. I have gotten much better at it and learned a lot. It is a good skill to hone and I think the pelts look very nice up in the garage. They just felt too pretty to throw away /
Let me know if you want. I'm finishing one hide today and butchering another tomorrow so I might make it into a whole thing with pictures if I have the time to string it together.