I've been picking, prepping and drying more hazelnuts. To store them long-term, I've been trimming off any of the green casing (to minimise moisture retention) and drying the nuts by the
wood stove, on stackable cake racks. The drying process clearly removes a lot of moisture as the nuts feel much lighter after a day or two.
I've attached two harvests worth - one after drying (as I forgot to do so beforehand) , which will probably be an underestimate of calorific value, and one beforehand, as usual.
191g: 667 * 0.955 = 637kcal
100g: 667 * 0.5 = 334kcal
Total calories foraged: 860 + 663 + 1034 +
637 + 334 =
Foodstuffs list (unchanged):