We're working on defining the remaining levels for a number of badges. We could use your help coming up with more items that could be added to the various lists! If you haven't heard of
PEP yet, please check out
This Thread.
In the past we've set up badges where you have to do a set number of things from a list. The issue with that is that picking a pound of berries isn't as hard as making 4 pounds of seed balls. So instead, we're transitioning to a point based system. Make 8 foraged meals, get 4 points. Get a
deer, get 8 points. Earn 35 points and you have the
Straw badge completed.
Now that we're using a point system, it will be easier to deal with items that bridge between badges. Harvesting and preserving food will give you points for both the Foraging badge and the Food Prep and Preservation Badge.
We've taken a shot at the upper level badges and could use your help rounding them out a bit. Are we missing any important foraging principles, methods or concepts?
straw badge 35 points
Harvest at least five plants from the
Sand Fresh list - 1/2 point each
Harvest and dry at least three plants from the
Sand Dry list - 1/2 point each
Prepare at least eight dishes from the
Sand Dish list (at least 5 different species) - 1/2 point each
Prepare 8 dishes (soup, salad, tea, dessert, entree, side, etc.) that feature the things you’ve foraged for other BBs - 4 points
20 pounds of seed balls/bombs - 4 points
o at least an inch in diameter
o can either be used immediately or quickly dried for storage (before the seeds germinate)
o at least six different species in each ball/bomb
- possible species:
o dandelion
o maple
o mulberry
o apples
black locust
sepp grain
o daikon radish
o alfalfa
o tomato
o sunflower
o lupine
o squash
o kale
o turnip
o cherry
Save seeds from 6 species of
wild plants - 2 points
o At least one half teaspoon of each
o Possible species:
- Mullein
- Sweet clover
- Apricot
- Cherry
- Berries
- Dandelion
- Nuts (acorn, hazelnut, walnut, chestnut, etc)
- Dock/burdock
- Miners lettuce
- Sorrels
Sacagawea List (must do at least two)
Catch, butcher and preserve at least five pounds of fish(es) or ten pounds of shellfish - 4 points
Catch, butcher and preserve five wild rabbit/squirrels - 4 points
Catch, butcher and preserve one large mammal (deer, pig, elk, antelope, etc) - 8 points
Catch, butcher and preserve five wild game birds - 4 points
Harvest maple sap and reduce it down to make 1 gallons of syrup - 8 points
Collect 5 pounds of wild
honey (without cutting down tree) - 4 points
Guerilla plant 500 woody
perennial food seeds or cuttings (not seed bombs) - 8 points
- at least twelve different species
- possible species:
o pear
o apricot
o cherry
o grape
o mulberry
o nettle
wood badge
Forage 200,000 calories from at least 10 sources
- 6 sources of at least 10,000 calories each
o No more than 4 of the 6 can be animal sources
o For reference, the following have approximately 10,000 calories:
o 14 lbs of venison
o 17 lbs of duck
o 15 lbs of trout
o 42 lbs of apples
o 100 lbs of
o 3 quarts of maple syrup
- at least half of the calories need to be dried for storage that could last more than a year at room temp - possible twofer with Food Prep and Preservation
o can include
o charcuterie
o smoking
- at least 10% is canned - possible twofer with Food Prep and Preservation
10 days eating 90% foraged food
o 90% by calories
o More than 6 foraged food types per day
o Can include preserved foraged foods
o Don’t have to be consecutive days
o Minimum 1200 calories per day
1 mile of trail side
forage gardening
o 1 living plant per 10 feet of trail on average (so more than 500 plants)
o within 20 feet of the trail
o at least six different species
o can be roadside, for rarely used dirt roads
o the mile can be spread out between multiple stretches of trail
video of trail when introducing seed balls, and a general idea of what edibles were there to start
o video of trail for several harvests and showing what plants made it
o harvest 1000 calories each from six different species (can be from existing plants along the mile)
o show at least 100 fruit
trees at least four inches tall
o at least 10,000 calories total (can go towards the 200,000 calorie
iron badge
Forage 1,600,000 calories from at least 20 sources
- 12 sources of at least 20,000 calories each
o No more than 8 of the 12 can be animal sources
90 days eating 90% foraged food
o 90% by calories
o More than 6 foraged food types per day
o Can include preserved foraged foods
o One 30 day stretch
o Four 7 day stretches
o Minimum 1200 calories per day
1 mile of trail side
forage gardening
o 1 living plant per 1 foot of trail on average (so more than 5000 plants)
o within 40 feet of the trail
o at least twelve different species
o can be roadside, for rarely used dirt roads
o the mile can be spread out between multiple stretches of trail
o video of trail when introducing seed balls, and a general idea of what edibles were there to start
o video of trail for several harvests and showing what plants made it
o harvest 5,000 calories each from six different species
o show at least 100 fruit trees at least five feet tall
o at least 50,000 calories total (can go towards the 1,600,000 calorie BB)