I don't think drying kills the microbes. I have successfully dehydrated and rehydrated my sourdough starter for moving cities. I assume this is what "sourdough starter" kits are at the supermarket (i.e. a sham given how absurdly easy starting a sourdough is!). Yoghurt "starters" are sold as powders. You can buy LAB as powders. You buy yeasts as powders. Koji rice is often sold dried. I presume these are also dehydrated. I've seen people dehydrate
water kefir grains.
So my guess is that drying simply slows their metabolism of the micro-organisms to a much much slower rate, but doesn't kill them. I had a quick scour through the excellent
The Art of Fermentation and surprisingly didnt find an index reference for dehydration - so I extrapolating from the patterns I see around me.