You are right a homestead entails so many things, so learning as much as possible right now will help
alot, and there are quite a few things that you can start doing even now.
-Carbon such as woodchip/compost/biochar/haybale/etc if added to your soil will allow you soil to hold onto it's fertility, minerals and water
-Nitrogen fixers like Dutch White Clover added to you soil will increase fertility
-Herbs like mint/thyme, celery/lovage, onion/garlic will help cut down on soil pest and leaf pest, while hosting beneficial bugs.
-Earthworks like high raised beds (tiny hugel-culture), will make it easy to harvest/plant vegeotables even from a motorized scooter.
-Microbes that can be found compost, will help activate/release the minerals in the soil for the plants, and outcompete/attach pest microbes
-Irrigation, you might have to create one for your raised beds
Vegetable/Herb Garden
-Plant cultivars that survive at your location, with sheer utter neglect, if you have to keep them on an IV and baby them, don't bother with that cultivar
-Develop your own cultivar by resisting the urge to eat and not save the seeds from your most adapted, tastiest, biggest producers
-Have this close to your house. place it on the side of the house that you to visit the most. Easy Access is what we are aiming for.
-It's okay to explore but most of your garden
should be dedicated to the few vegetables that you really love to eat, all spring/summer/winter long.
-Import fertility/compost/carbon to your plot every season. You can import it from your own compost/chop&drop/animal manure from your yard.
Don't have all of your 10,000lbs of fruits all ripen in the same 4 weeks in September. You can harvest from May,June,July,Aug,Sept,Oct,Nov.
One 20ft tree covers the same amount of space as Four 10ft tree. But with the Four dwarf tree you can have each cultivar ripen a different month.
Plant a lot of berry trees that you can easily harvest, even from a wheelchair.
Select your cultivars and species carefully: Dwarf,
Natives, Exotics and lastly avoid failure prone trees from the prunus sub-family and apples too.
Plant form as many different tree family as possible, so that not everything will fail at the same time, and you are left with a year without any produce.
You can fit 200 fruit trees on one acres if they are planted in 10ftx10ft grid. (To help with air circulation, layer, have a 15ft tree, next to a 5ft berry)
When it is mature 20yrs later you want to have 25% nitrogen fixing tree. But 80% at establishment: I like extra legumes every 5ft, that I then cull as the fruit trees get bigger.
Add beneficial soil life, with
mushroom slurries
Bee Hive
Raw Comb
Honey is very healthy for us, with enzymes, anti-oxidant and healthy microbes, in addition to suspended pollen.
Industrial honey that been fed syrup, pasteurized and other such maladies are not as healthy for humans.
I would recommend getting at least 3 hives because then you will be able to split the hive if one one of them dies.
You can also get a harvest of wax too
Chicken tractor sounds like a good idea, you can probably spend 10 minutes per day and have fesh eggs and meat year round.
They can eat bugs and garden scraps
A critter proof coop/tractor is must.
A self watering setup and self feeding setup would allow you to go on vacation for a week
Given the size of your lot having meat animals esp cows might be too much.
But you could have two dwarf goats in a pen, that is fed
hay, and garden scraps. Not free range but better than
milk from the big box store
Electric fencing is very important.
Having 30 paddocks that you move the goat to daily is also good for pest management
They are not vacation friendly
A farm dog is very important, critter control and a great alarm system.
Fish Pond
I think this is one of the best animal to have on your site.
You can use this nutrient dense water for irrigating your garden
You can easily harvest 4-7 fishes per week indefinitely
Maybe some bluegill