Zone 6b, Kentucky USA.
This fall, I placed 4 raised beds beside my
pond, which has naturally acidic soil. In the bottom of the bed I placed pine logs and branches that had been cut down three years ago for a construction
project. I covered the logs with
native soil, then topped off with a mixture of coco coir and perlite.
I planted two Highbush blueberry bushes in each bed, one Blueray and one Bluecrop. In the middle of the bed I put 4
root crown cuttings of Russian bocking 14 Comfrey, and surrounded the edges with German extra hardy garlic cloves.
In the spring, I will add a variety of herb seeds I ordered and strawberries to the beds.
We have a lot of wildlife pressure,
deer included, so during the fruiting season, netting will go over hoops added to the beds to protect the berries. The garlic is to also deter critters.
I mulched around the blueberries with peanut gravel left over from another project, and added
straw over the rest of the bed. Then, I topped the straw with clipped boughs of pine from succession
trees growing in my meadow that I really don’t want in those spots.
In the photo, you can see the two blueberry bushes, zoom in for the four comfrey cuttings, and observe the garlic before they were buried in the ground. I did put a handful of mushroom
compost in each garlic and comfrey hole.
The area before planting was a wild meadow. I placed
cardboard over the area where I put the raised beds and around the beds, and created a cardboard path fit access. The rest of the meadow remained wild, so the wildflowers could help attract pollinators.