I know there is already a topic on
fleas but I need desperate help. I'm 37 weeks pregnant and I'm battling
fleas. I have tried EVERYTHING. I frontlined the animals. I have 3 Labs and 3 cats. It worked for a week and they were scratching again. I tried to
shampoo my carpets, I flea bombed, I tried salt on the carpets and I tried
DE. Nothing is working. I even DE'ed the dogs every day for a week and the next day they still had fleas. I'm exhausted. I spend most of my day fighting the fleas vacuuming, cleaning.. and I'm spent. I broke down the other night and just cried. I won't allow the dogs in the house now and I feel HORRIBLE about that. The cats are inside and I bathe them every night in dawn and flea comb them out... the next day they have fleas still. I wash bedding once a week and every 3 days I'll stick the blankets in the
dryer to kill off the adult ones. I left DE on my carpets for a week and still I have fleas. I just don't know what to do. The DE was very dusty and it made me cough but I can't bring home a baby to fleas. Now my other kids tend to be very messy and they clutter up the toy room quite a bit. I have harped and nagged and they are finally after getting grounded from everything but breathing deep cleaning that room.
I just can't take it anymore. My docs told me I need to cut my physical activity down in the next few weeks but I can't or we are going to have to burn the house down. I'm so tired and I just want something to work!! Help! Am I doing something wrong? I thought the DE was suppose to be a miracle worker on fleas. Why isn't it helping? There are no outside fleas coming in because the dogs aren't allowed in. They are scratching and I feel bad for them but what else can I do? Nothing works. I put the DE on them and rubbed them down and they still had fleas. It's SO frustrating!!! Help!!