R Scott wrote:
I have had this cost discussion with Amish friends. If you rate it on the amount of work done, a good team of horses is a little cheaper than a good used small tractor for $/acre operating cost.
Yes, but did you put a value on the manure end of things. Having just lost my supply of safe horse shit (lady moved off the island), too often people only consider the "value" of the inputs, not the outputs. The tractor only outputs stuff into an atmosphere that doesn't particularly need more of it. My 1 1/2 year old horse shit+ bin grew awesome zucchini and other squash last year. (the + would be veggie scraps, the odd dead animal, etc).
I said something similar at a Farm Meeting I was at where a fellow was presenting on farm spreadsheets and how to analyze costs vs profits. I asked where the line was for the fertilizer he got out of his small pig operation. WE HAVE GOT to stop thinking of such things as a waste and a nuisance and that "mucking out the barn" is a chore which just has to be done but only has value in the clean barn, rather than future fertilizer and an important source of
carbon. I'm all for building soil in situ, but having some quality
compost for top-dressing certain demanding crops that I like to eat, or for jump-starting some soil in a degraded area, has *real* value!