Wow Tereza Okava, thanks for those awesome ideas.
To add to the story, yesterday I amused myself building two
compost heaps with windfall citrus as the star of the cast. All the other players were there, including kelp and seagrass, grass clippings, leaf mold from the local bush and lots of clay rich soils from recent bed excavations and worm bed volunteers, all called William.
Should be an awesome team. Might win the local little league champs.
I checked on another forum, and the idea that citrus will chase wormies away from your compost heap has been debunked, so I am giving it a go. I have maybe 13 or so heaps, so we will see when spring comes (NZ time).
Meantime it kept me amused, which is basically my first priority in
This morning I foraged on the seashore and adjacent bush and came home with seaweeds, leaf litter and most of an almost entirely decomposed once-upon-a-time tree stump. I will introduce the microorganisms to the various compost heaps, increasing their microdiversity. I love Korean traditional farming... it was how I got into to this idea.
So some of my compost are now speaking in Korean, Kiwi, Maori, Pacific Polynesian and Worm (NZ). Have a beautiful day, Janette