We recently moved on a 5 acre property in the foothills of the Central California Sierra Nevada. The previous owner tilled a large area (at least 3 acres of the
land), which disrupted the
native grass and caused a lot if weeds to take over. I'm assuming he did it for fire control and didn't want to keep mowing it, without realizing how tall the weeds would get. I'm very much hoping to get the native grass to grow back that is all around us in the hills and on the rest of the property. I spend the last several weeks pulling the tall weeds with my hands (to the amusement of my neighbors in sure). Now what I mainly have left is a lot of goat heads / puncturevine with some sparse grass trying to fill in here and there, but wide areas with no grass at all, mostly dirt and goatheads. I haven't started pulling the goatheads, because doing so in this area seems overwhelming even compared to all the weed pulling I've already done, and I read is likely have to keep pulling them many times to make any difference. I read about goathead weevils with mixed reviews and can't seem to find them
online anyway. Flame torch is out of the question as I don't want to burn the neighborhood down. I'd like to avoid spraying if I can, but I'd also really like to get rid of these goatheads. If I manage to get rid of the goatheads and keep the other weeds controlled, will the native grass just naturally fill back in? Any input? Thank you!
In case it's relevant, the reasons I want to get rid of them are:
- they are painful and potentially harmful to our dogs and possible other future animals
- they interfere with the native grass I'd like to restore
- I ultimately hope to leave that part of the land relatively wild with native pasture/meadow or possibly put a very small number of animals in it to graze
- they are not native and while they help with erosion control, the native grass will do the same thing and much more.
Edit: upon Anne's suggestion, I'm adding some photos of the native grass with the tilled/weedy pasture in the background.