I'm gearing up for my first real sewing
project in around 20 years. I have the basics for tiny projects and mending, but over time the tomato has lost the strawberry. If this is just an American thing, the most common pin cushion design here is a red tomato with a small strawberry filled with emery for sharpening the pins attached at the top.
I am replacing with a separate, larger emery cushion but in shopping for one I stumbled across a lot of options I had never heard of. It won't work for storage, but some people use steel wool for sharpening. I can see possible benefits in the natural oils of the crushed walnut shells, though I would like to know if they are really hard
enough for sharpening. I also have to use some cheap scissors to test if simply cutting a stack of aluminum foil will sharpen scissors.
Anyone have
experience with these or other techniques for maintaining these most basic tools?