Ted said, "in case any interested folks are looking for an opportunity.
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Joy to the world
But what will come?
When the lights go down on everyone
I sure don't wanna be around here when the whistle blows
Ted Abbey wrote:Row.. thank you for your interest, and good luck on your journey. If I only knew at twenty years old what I know now..
Joy to the world
But what will come?
When the lights go down on everyone
I sure don't wanna be around here when the whistle blows
Steve Fammerton wrote:Hi Ted. You have your basic requirements listed "not a bum", "hard scrabble, self starting",, etc.
What are you offering ? How much compensation per hour ? What kind lodging ? How much work do you expect per week for the lodging ?
You have listed that you have hot water, lodging and will "run you down the road." if people do not fit your requirements. To be honest it seems like you are looking for working servants you don't need to pay. I would imagine maybe your postings is just lacking the other half of an agreement ?
Ted Abbey wrote: What I am offering to folks who are hard scrabble, self starting, not a bums is freedom. I understand that there are qualified individuals looking for a place to apply themselves, but for one reason or another, don’t own land on which to work. Freedom from the circumstances which prevent them from realizing their dream of living on and working with the land.
Steve Fammerton wrote:
Ted Abbey wrote: What I am offering to folks who are hard scrabble, self starting, not a bums is freedom. I understand that there are qualified individuals looking for a place to apply themselves, but for one reason or another, don’t own land on which to work. Freedom from the circumstances which prevent them from realizing their dream of living on and working with the land.
Trying to read thru the philosophy and find an actual agreement or expectations I see - You are offering "freedom" to work on your land ? I see you have some older campers and out buildings that could be cleared out and slept in.
How much work do you expect someone to do to sleep in one of these out buildings or campers ? Do you offer meals ? if so how much work would it take for one of your workers to eat 3 meals a day ?
I get you have some out buildings to sleep in(with some "clearing out") but I am confused by the offer of "freedom" in exchange for labor.
bruce Fine wrote:just wondering what kinds of stuff can or do you grow there? you say its in the desert but there is plenty of ground water. sounds very interesting. have you had to create lots of compost or is the soil there naturally fertile or is it sandy soil. ive never really been to the desert sw if that's where your at. I guess my mind thinks of blowing sand dunes when I read desert.
Ted Abbey wrote:I am looking for like minded folks to join in my efforts on a property in Nevada, just outside of Death Valley. This is not for the lazy nor faint of heart. I need hard scrabble, self starting, willing and knowledgeable participants. Hippie loafers and burning man refugees need not apply. I am hard, but fair. If you are worthy, I can only give you everything.. if you’re a bum, I’ll run you down the road.
This is the desert, but this area is an oasis. Water is not an issue. It gushes out of the ground at miraculous volume. And hot springs.
Buildings, power, infrastructure already here.. Lots of animals, garden, fruit trees planted. Acreage to be improved for crops, etc. BUT I CANT DO IT ALONE! (anymore, that is.. been here doing it solo for nearly five years)
If I didn’t scare you off, let me know.. if I did scare you off, it’s probably for the better.
Crystal Steidinger wrote:
Crystal Steidinger wrote:
Ted Abbey wrote:I am looking for like minded folks to join in my efforts on a property in Nevada, just outside of Death Valley. This is not for the lazy nor faint of heart. I need hard scrabble, self starting, willing and knowledgeable participants. Hippie loafers and burning man refugees need not apply. I am hard, but fair. If you are worthy, I can only give you everything.. if you’re a bum, I’ll run you down the road.
This is the desert, but this area is an oasis. Water is not an issue. It gushes out of the ground at miraculous volume. And hot springs.
Buildings, power, infrastructure already here.. Lo
If I didn’t scare you off, let me know.. if I did scare you off, it’s probably for the better.[ Im sick of living in the city and need to be back in the dessert away from the bullshit here in modern day society. I am an extremely hard worker and have lived off grid for 7 years on a Ranch located 20 miles north of Castle Hot Springs, Morristown, AZ
Thank you Crystal, feel free to send me a message here or at: mad4782@gmail.com
Signature Here
Larry Miranda wrote:Hey Ted Happy Thanksgiving,
Have you thought about trees for your spot? With the primary water you have great potential there. Olives & Grapes come to mind just because I think of Alentejo in Portugal who have dramatic temp flux which i think similar there. Well in Alentejo some great growing is happening i suspect primary water is in the mix.
You have something super interesting starting there best of success. If I was in NA definately would come by.
How come there are no threads here on primary water? If there is post a link i believe this is a good conversation to be had and could gain exposure for your project.
Another tree thats great is the medronho tree, Arbutus Unedo, strawberry tree, more for the forested California as its a great fire blocker and gives great fruit thats special for many things and the wood is super textured with great colors, soft but very pretty.
Medronho Arbutus Unedo
Thanks Larry. I have planted two olive trees, and three grapes. They are doing well, especially the grapes. I enjoyed many bunches this year despite a late freeze that affected most of the early bunches. I’m not sure that too many people are aware or even interested in primary water. With the engineered climate “crisis” and manufactured droughts, it could be a major game changer. We are truly blessed here to have artesian springs from a primary source, and it is the key factor that keeps me here, despite any drawbacks or hardships. Maybe I’ll post a primary water thread soon. Have a great day, and best wishes always!
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Willow Feeder movie