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Desert Southwest opportunity for the right person(s)

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I am looking for like minded folks to join in my efforts on a property in Nevada, just outside of Death Valley. This is not for the lazy nor faint of heart. I need hard scrabble, self starting, willing and knowledgeable participants. Hippie loafers and burning man refugees need not apply. I am hard, but fair. If you are worthy, I can only give you everything.. if you’re a bum, I’ll run you down the road.

This is the desert, but this area is an oasis. Water is not an issue. It gushes out of the ground at miraculous volume. And hot springs.

Buildings, power, infrastructure already here.. Lots of animals, garden, fruit trees planted. Acreage to be improved for crops, etc. BUT I CANT DO IT ALONE! (anymore, that is.. been here doing it solo for nearly five years)

If I didn’t scare you off, let me know.. if I did scare you off, it’s probably for the better.
Ted Abbey
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..and here is some information regarding our water source.

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Location: USDA Zone 8a
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Ted said, "in case any interested folks are looking for an opportunity.

Ted, maybe a little more information on your project might spur some interest.

First, what is the opportunity?

What are you offering for a person's time and expense for them to travel there?

Do you offer living quarters?  RV spots or tent sites?

Or are you just looking for people to stop by and help?
Ted Abbey
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Thanks Anne,

    The opportunity is to live and work at an historic hot spring “resort”/ RV park and campground. It has been closed to the public for about 6 years due to a need for a complete upgrade on the septic system, which I am currently working on. The highlight is obviously the amazing miracle of hot water of the highest quality gushing from the earth, but the water and land holds the challenging potential to make this place into a true desert oasis permaculture paradise.  I have been caretaking here for five years by myself.. and upkeep, improvements, animals, trees, gardens, security, etc. is, and never has been, a one man job. The owners are aware and amenable to this approach for the future of this place, but are busy in the day to day of city life.

    There is no real paycheck, but no bills either. An entrepreneurial spirit and vision to use this land as a platform and base to create revenue streams within or outside of the scope of the original resort/campground business is what is required. Live free and create. I see this as a sacred duty, to act as a counterbalance to negativity and destruction. I envision this as a Private Membership Association, functioning as an eco village, farm, healing center and spiritual retreat. The main focus would be a self sufficient abundance, and sharing with outsiders in the form of markets, farm to fork restaurant, and “guest” ecotourism.

    There are housing accommodations and potentials for the right folks. I showed up with my own travel trailer, and that is certainly welcome, but there is a main trailer house with space available, and other building and trailers that could be renovated by the future tenants. I didn’t show up broke and resourceless, and the type of folks I’m looking for wouldn’t either.
Being in the desert, certain hardships of weather and geographic isolation is to be expected, but I think those factors are eclipsed by the feeling of freedom and independence, as well as the beauty of the magic moments here.. when you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else..
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I’m interested in short term and but possibly repeating trial runs. I can’t say I’m knowledgeable in the handwork and gardening yet but I have a knack for learning. I also have skills when it comes to business operations, some marketing and some tech skills that may help from a business revenue growth perspective.

If I can figure it out I’ll message you through the forum. If not how do I reach you?
Ted Abbey
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Hey Candace.. thank you for the reply. Sorry about the delay. I fell ill on Sunday, and am catching up and trying to recover. Send me a “purple moosage” here on the forum or email me: mad4782@gmail.com
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Ted, my name is Row, almost twenty, and though I am not in the place to do this with you, I would love to in the future. I have always dreamed of such a thing which brings me here. I am going to save your thread, and I'll come back in the future to see if you need help, when I feel I am ready for this.
Ted Abbey
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Row.. thank you for your interest, and good luck on your journey. If I only knew at twenty years old what I know now..
Row Morgan
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Ted Abbey wrote:Row.. thank you for your interest, and good luck on your journey. If I only knew at twenty years old what I know now..

Yeah, I bet you’d have done some things differently. You can tell me about it if you’d like.
Ted Abbey
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Row.. the things I would have done differently are too numerous to list, but in regards to land and life, I would have started that journey a lot sooner instead of working jobs, and chasing fun. Land was a lot cheaper back then, and less regulated. No one had even heard of United Nations Agenda 21/2030 back then.. (I’m nearing 50 years of age now). What seemed difficult then, would be a joy now.
Ted Abbey
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Good morning from the hot springs! Real nice now that we have cooler temperatures..
hot springs in the cold desert
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Looks cool. I'll shoot you a message later.
Ted Abbey
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Thanks Jonathan.. look forward to hearing from you.
Ted Abbey
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Shameless self promotion bump. Wintry weather here at the hot springs. Still looking for like minded folks. Have a real day!
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Hi Ted. You have your basic requirements listed "not a bum", "hard scrabble, self starting",, etc.
What are you offering ? How much compensation per hour ? What kind lodging ? How much work do you expect per week for the lodging ?

You have listed that you have hot water, lodging and will "run you down the road." if people do not fit your requirements. To be honest it seems like you are looking for working servants you don't need to pay. I would imagine maybe your postings is just lacking the other half of an agreement ?
Ted Abbey
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Steve Fammerton wrote:Hi Ted. You have your basic requirements listed "not a bum", "hard scrabble, self starting",, etc.
What are you offering ? How much compensation per hour ? What kind lodging ? How much work do you expect per week for the lodging ?

You have listed that you have hot water, lodging and will "run you down the road." if people do not fit your requirements. To be honest it seems like you are looking for working servants you don't need to pay. I would imagine maybe your postings is just lacking the other half of an agreement ?


    Thank you for taking the time to glance at my post and reply. I have touched on these points and others in the thread, but I’m glad for the chance to clarify your points for you and others.

      What I am offering to folks who are hard scrabble, self starting, not a bums is freedom. I understand that there are qualified individuals looking for a place to apply themselves, but for one reason or another, don’t own land on which to work. Freedom from the circumstances which prevent them from realizing their dream of living on and working with the land. I am still somewhat shocked that this offer is not seen as the gracious and generous gift that it is. I am equally shocked that most replies are only interested in “what’s in it for me?” Maybe some self reflection and meditation on the question of “what do I have to offer to the project in exchange?”  is in order.

    The insinuation that I am looking for servants that I don’t need to pay could be the punchline of a really funny joke if you knew me or my circumstances. I am looking for perfect masters.. and a humble servant becomes the perfect master when they apply their agency and action towards becoming their own master. I don’t have a boss, and I don’t want to be a boss. I am the leader by default, as I’m the only person here, and I tell myself what to do everyday. I see what needs to be done, and I do it. These are the qualities I seek in others.

    As far as compensation is concerned, there is no paycheck. This is not a job, but an opportunity to create your own. This place is currently closed to business, but won’t be forever. What that will mean, or how it manifests is up to us. For those that need cold, hard cash, there is a small town five miles away where any one with pulse can get a job in a single day. While this is not ideal from the project perspective, as it takes away time and energy from this place, I understand that some people need money for debts, bills, or that feeling of false security that comes from knowing that they have some constantly devaluing debt notes stashed away.

    Lodging is flexible, and the possibilities are nearly limitless. There are three parcels here, totaling about 90 acres, so plenty of room. There is a main trailer house with extra rooms that could be cleared out. ( I would even help!) I have a 13 foot 1962 Serra Scott Sportsman trailer that I lived in for over my first year here. Various trailers and outbuildings that can be cleaned and remodeled. Or maybe a brush wikiup is more your style. I can’t presuppose any of this, as it is basically up to the individual that answers the call.

    And a final note regarding myself. I haven’t had a regular paycheck in the five years that I’ve spent here, and not a single day off in the last four. Any compensation that I have acquired has been through my own efforts, and animal care denies me the days off.  While a change of pace, and some rest and relaxation would not be unwelcome, my days are my own, and I choose this until circumstances change.

    I hope this provides some clarity, and thank once again for your time.

[Thumbnail for 96DBBAA8-BE88-40CE-AC01-9AF883199FB5.jpeg]
Steve Fammerton
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Ted Abbey wrote: What I am offering to folks who are hard scrabble, self starting, not a bums is freedom. I understand that there are qualified individuals looking for a place to apply themselves, but for one reason or another, don’t own land on which to work. Freedom from the circumstances which prevent them from realizing their dream of living on and working with the land.

Trying to read thru the philosophy and find an actual agreement or expectations I see - You are offering "freedom" to work on your land ? I see you have some older campers and out buildings that could be cleared out and slept in.

How much work do you expect someone to do to sleep in one of these out buildings or campers ? Do you offer meals ? if so how much work would it take for one of your workers to eat 3 meals a day ?

I get you have some out buildings to sleep in(with some "clearing out") but I am confused by the offer of "freedom" in exchange for labor.
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just wondering what kinds of stuff can or do you grow there? you say its in the desert but there is plenty of ground water. sounds very interesting. have you had to create lots of compost or is the soil there naturally fertile or is it sandy soil. ive never really been to the desert sw if that's where your at. I guess my mind thinks of blowing sand dunes when I read desert.
Ted Abbey
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Steve Fammerton wrote:

Ted Abbey wrote: What I am offering to folks who are hard scrabble, self starting, not a bums is freedom. I understand that there are qualified individuals looking for a place to apply themselves, but for one reason or another, don’t own land on which to work. Freedom from the circumstances which prevent them from realizing their dream of living on and working with the land.

Trying to read thru the philosophy and find an actual agreement or expectations I see - You are offering "freedom" to work on your land ? I see you have some older campers and out buildings that could be cleared out and slept in.

How much work do you expect someone to do to sleep in one of these out buildings or campers ? Do you offer meals ? if so how much work would it take for one of your workers to eat 3 meals a day ?

I get you have some out buildings to sleep in(with some "clearing out") but I am confused by the offer of "freedom" in exchange for labor.

     I can understand your confusion about the offer of freedom to work the land, as that confusion is nearly ubiquitous in today’s world. What I am offering, to the rare individuals still capable of the vision and daring that possessed our nations pioneers, is the chance to escape the rat race, and to live and work on land with abundant water and potential.

    I apologize for not having a linear plot of how many hours of work are required in exchange for shelter and meals. To be honest, my brain doesn’t work that way. I tend to eat everyday, sometimes even several times a day, so anyone joining this project would as well. Maybe we take turns preparing meals? Or someone with a culinary bent arrives and takes over the kitchen?

    Lodging is flexible. Show up with a fully stocked and self contained RV, or nothing at all, and we will make do with what’s here. What this is not is a Wwoofer stop or a bed and breakfast. I realize that cozy cabins and meal plans with a dinner bell would be more attractive, but I’ve been working hard on other things for years with no help, limited resources, and a shoestring budget.

    Once again, I cannot presuppose and elaborate on every possible scenario, as each person has different needs, skills, and dreams.

    The lack of sugar coating on this opportunity is for good reason. It is not easy. The folks I hope to appeal to will not only understand this, but embrace the challenge. At the risk of sounding rude, I will say that your line of questioning and tone come off as “needy”, and I wish you the best in your journey elsewhere.
Ted Abbey
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bruce Fine wrote:just wondering what kinds of stuff can or do you grow there? you say its in the desert but there is plenty of ground water. sounds very interesting. have you had to create lots of compost or is the soil there naturally fertile or is it sandy soil. ive never really been to the desert sw if that's where your at. I guess my mind thinks of blowing sand dunes when I read desert.

    Most people’s idea of the desert is blowing sand dunes, and they do exist is close proximity to this place. However, we are located in what is called the Oasis Valley, and are blessed with trees and greenery due to the miraculous flow of water throughout the valley. The sheer volume of water is mathematically impossible to be from a rainfall recharge aquifer, and is in fact the emergence of primary water.



    Being that it is the desert, and the land being unused for agriculture for some time, the soil quality needs improvement. That is the goal. In my gardens, where I have added organic material, mulch, and water, I have had great results with tomatoes, peppers, squashes, garlic, potatoes, etc. This land is well suited for improved pasture for animals, as well as crops, garden plots, and orchards due to the fact that it is relatively flat bottom land surrounded by hills, and capable of being irrigated from our ever present and abundant water. The springs and seeps emerge from the base of the hills, higher than the bottomland, making gravity powered flood irrigation possible.  I also have animals. Goats, pigs, chickens, ducks, a turkey, a llama, and a bison. Also four Caucasian Shepherds that keep the coyotes and bobcats at bay, and three barn cats to handle rodents.

[Thumbnail for 28BF18F7-4B19-4BA5-BD28-CF06140E3228.png]
Ted Abbey
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Good morning all.. just a friendly reminder that I’m looking for good folks to join me here at the hot springs. Up early, so I can feed and do chores, before I leave at 6 am for my monthly volunteer gig in town.. helping to unload the truck, and assisting in the distribution of USDA commodity foods to our community. Have a great day!
[Thumbnail for D1B589AA-2BE9-40E4-86CB-0BC0708665CC.jpeg]
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Beautiful day here at the hot springs.. wish you were here! Always looking for good folks..
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Ted Abbey wrote:I am looking for like minded folks to join in my efforts on a property in Nevada, just outside of Death Valley. This is not for the lazy nor faint of heart. I need hard scrabble, self starting, willing and knowledgeable participants. Hippie loafers and burning man refugees need not apply. I am hard, but fair. If you are worthy, I can only give you everything.. if you’re a bum, I’ll run you down the road.

This is the desert, but this area is an oasis. Water is not an issue. It gushes out of the ground at miraculous volume. And hot springs.

Buildings, power, infrastructure already here.. Lots of animals, garden, fruit trees planted. Acreage to be improved for crops, etc. BUT I CANT DO IT ALONE! (anymore, that is.. been here doing it solo for nearly five years)

If I didn’t scare you off, let me know.. if I did scare you off, it’s probably for the better.

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Ted Abbey
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Crystal Steidinger wrote:

Crystal Steidinger wrote:

Ted Abbey wrote:I am looking for like minded folks to join in my efforts on a property in Nevada, just outside of Death Valley. This is not for the lazy nor faint of heart. I need hard scrabble, self starting, willing and knowledgeable participants. Hippie loafers and burning man refugees need not apply. I am hard, but fair. If you are worthy, I can only give you everything.. if you’re a bum, I’ll run you down the road.

This is the desert, but this area is an oasis. Water is not an issue. It gushes out of the ground at miraculous volume. And hot springs.

Buildings, power, infrastructure already here.. Lo

If I didn’t scare you off, let me know.. if I did scare you off, it’s probably for the better.[ Im sick of living in the city and need to be back in the dessert away from the bullshit here in modern day society. I am an extremely hard worker and have lived off grid for 7 years on a Ranch located 20 miles north of Castle Hot Springs, Morristown, AZ

Thank you Crystal, feel free to send me a message here or at: mad4782@gmail.com

Crystal Steidinger
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Your offer is exactly what I have been looking for. I have plenty of experience in everything you are asking. I am looking to relocate back to the dessert. I hate city dwelling. I was a ranch hand,/ property caretaker for almost 10 years in Morristown AZ (off grid) a few miles north of Castle Hot Springs. I am an extremely hard worker and can handle the sun. I'm 41years old and my name is Crystal Steidinger. 731-507-6873
Ted Abbey
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Sounds good Crystal, and thanks for the resume. Seems like you have some skills and experience to be a real asset to the team. I will be in touch.
Ted Abbey
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Happy Thanksgiving bump. I hope today finds you and yours happy, well, and together! Love always..
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Hey Ted Happy Thanksgiving,
Have you thought about trees for your spot? With the primary water you have great potential there. Olives & Grapes come to mind just because I think of Alentejo in Portugal who have dramatic temp flux which i think similar there. Well in Alentejo some great growing is happening i suspect primary water is in the mix.

You have something super interesting starting there best of success. If I was in NA definately would come by.

How come there are no threads here on primary water? If there is post a link i believe this is a good conversation to be had and could gain exposure for your project.

Another tree thats great is the medronho tree, Arbutus Unedo, strawberry tree, more for the forested California as its a great fire blocker and gives great fruit thats special for many things and the wood is super textured with great colors, soft but very pretty.
Medronho Arbutus Unedo

medronho tree, Arbutus Unedo, strawberry tree multicoloured fruit
Ted Abbey
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Larry Miranda wrote:Hey Ted Happy Thanksgiving,
Have you thought about trees for your spot? With the primary water you have great potential there. Olives & Grapes come to mind just because I think of Alentejo in Portugal who have dramatic temp flux which i think similar there. Well in Alentejo some great growing is happening i suspect primary water is in the mix.

You have something super interesting starting there best of success. If I was in NA definately would come by.

How come there are no threads here on primary water? If there is post a link i believe this is a good conversation to be had and could gain exposure for your project.

Another tree thats great is the medronho tree, Arbutus Unedo, strawberry tree, more for the forested California as its a great fire blocker and gives great fruit thats special for many things and the wood is super textured with great colors, soft but very pretty.
Medronho Arbutus Unedo

Thanks Larry. I have planted two olive trees, and three grapes. They are doing well, especially the grapes. I enjoyed many bunches this year despite a late freeze that affected most of the early bunches. I’m not sure that too many people are aware or even interested in primary water. With the engineered climate “crisis” and manufactured droughts, it could be a major game changer. We are truly blessed here to have artesian springs from a primary source, and it is the key factor that keeps me here, despite any drawbacks or hardships. Maybe I’ll post a primary water thread soon. Have a great day, and best wishes always!

Ted Abbey
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p.s.: I do plan to plant lots of trees moving forward, and thanks for the tip on the strawberry tree..
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Sunday self bump..

Still looking for good folks. The cold weather makes the hot springs that much nicer.. it’s all in the contrast. Have a great day wherever you are!

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Salt cedar man looks wild!  What are his eyes made from.  
Ted Abbey
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Old hubcaps that I pick up off the side of the highway.. I have a bunch.
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Still looking.. have a great day!
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Did you ever grow anything in the garden of your mind? - Fred Rogers. Tiny ad:
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