posted 2 years ago
I grew asparagus from seed and it's doing great.
But I wouldn't "scatter seeds around." As mentioned, the seedlings are teeny, actually sort of microscopic for me, and I would want to protect them from other crowding covering plants until they get big enough to fend for themselves. Also, spacing asparagus plants really does help make bigger fatter more vigorous spears.
I sowed my asparagus seeds in a line in one bed for the first year at 2 inch spacing, and transplanted them out to the final locations the following late winter. I got a small harvest already from them the following spring. If I sow them again, instead of a single line at 2 inch spacing, I'll plant them in a grid at 4 inch spacing to make it easier to separate them the next year.
Works at a residential alternative high school in the Himalayas . "Back home" is Cape Cod, E Coast USA.