Hi Stephen,
You might pick up a copy of
Straw Bale Building Details: An Illustrated Guide for Design and Construction by the California Straw Building Association. It’s a relatively current (2019) resource for best practices in straw bale construction in North America. Lots of discussion, pictures and drawings that illustrate much of the advice John offered. The IRC’s
Appendix S Straw Bale Construction, the building code applicable to those code jurisdictions that adopt it, is referenced throughout and printed in the book. I don’t think Oklahoma has adopted this code, but you can lean on it if your building code jurisdiction has an alternative materials and methods provision.
You can definitely build a structure with straw bale walls in your part of the United States—there are straw bale buildings in nearly every U.S. state, every Canadian province, throughout much of Mexico, and in over fifty other countries. As John said, 40” of rain isn’t a problem so long as it doesn’t wet the walls. If you get a lot of wind-blown rain (see below for more on this) you might extend your roofline beyond 2’. I have worked on many projects where the straw bale wall height and prevailing weather required 3’ and 4’ overhangs, and even 8’ deep porches to protect the most weathered walls while also providing functional outdoor space.
My experience as a builder specializing in new straw bale construction and repairing/remodeling older straw bale buildings leads me to be cautious about relying on plasters for protection against wind-driven rain, unless it’s minimal, infrequent, and followed by periods of sunny, dry weather.
We ask a lot from exterior lime plasters in a straw bale wall assembly. They need to be vapor permeable so any moisture that gets inside the wall can escape. They need to be durable and resist insect and rodent intrusion. Sometimes they play a structural role in resisting in-plane or out-of-plane forces. And of
course, we want them to be low maintenance and beautiful!
Exterior lime plasters applied directly to straw bales are a “reservoir cladding” siding system. It doesn’t matter if the lime is Type-S, Naturally Hydraulic Lime, quicklime, or some code-approved combination of Portland cement and lime—they all have trade-offs, but once on the wall they perform similarly. Reservoir cladding systems absorb liquid water from wind driven or splashing rain (though some water may also run off). That liquid water soaks some distance into the 1” + thick plaster. The moisture evaporates back out when sunny, dry conditions return. The reservoir fills and empties, fill and empties.
This works really well in places where rainfall typically doesn’t come down sideways, or if it does, only for brief periods. For example, here in S. Oregon my very exposed hillside home site receives wind-driven rain for a few minutes ahead of some storms, followed by a week or two of sunny, dry weather. This cycle repeats from November through April. John describes it well: “vertical water—such as driving rain hitting the sides of a straw-bale wall—is shown by experience to not penetrate very far.” In my situation, water doesn’t penetrate far into the plaster—perhaps ½”.
This understanding of how well plasters protect the bales is so widely accepted as to be a “received wisdom” handed down for decades. Unfortunately, reservoir siding systems don’t work so well in places that see wind-driven rain hour-after-hour, day-after-day, with little dry-time opportunity between rain events. Think coastal Oregon, which can receive 60” to 80” of rain a year, some of it coming down near-horizontally for days-on-end followed by a week of damp, overcast weather...and then more rain! Or portions of the Eastern and Southern U.S. that experience hurricanes.
How far wind-driven rain penetrates into the 1” or so of exterior lime plaster depends entirely on the amount of water driven into the wall and the amount of dry-out time between sideways rain events. Sadly, I have removed plasters from straw bale walls that received too much wind-driven rain and found that the straw in contact with the plaster had largely decomposed.
Lime plasters are not water-proof. They are actually quite absorbent, and
enough water soaking into the plaster from wind-driven rain (or ground splash) can overwhelm the “reservoir capacity” and pass that water into the adjacent straw bale.
And that’s a problem. Once saturated, lime plasters allow liquid water to readily pass through them, but water in vapor form escapes
much more slowly. Under favorable drying conditions this could take weeks, and even months!
Any time the moisture content of the bales exceeds 20% you’re heading into the danger zone. As the moisture level climbs higher dormant microbes naturally found on the straw become active. If the right temperature conditions are present (above 50 degrees Fahrenheit) and the moisture level remains high the decomposition process begins, and ends only when moisture conditions drop below 20% or temperatures drop below 50 degrees. This is a problem for any cellulose-based building material, but because straw has much more surface area (compared to
wood) the potential for damage is greater.
If really big roof overhangs aren’t an option for you, there’s an alternative that still uses straw bales. Over the past few years I worked on a number of straw bale buildings that used plywood for shear walls. They were framed with 2 x 4 studs on 16” or 24” centers, then sheathed with 3/8” or ½” plywood (not OSB!). Plywood is on the very edge of being just vapor permeable enough for a straw bale wall assembly in our area—a temperate climate characterized by warm, dry summers and cool, wet winters. I’m not sure how it would perform in climates characterized by warm, humid summers or extremely cold winters...it may be as simple as drilling small holes (to increase vapor permeance) in some or all of the plywood sheathing if it doesn’t compromising structural integrity.
Here in the Western U.S. a 2-string bale is around 16” tall (18” wide, approx. 39” long), and a 3-string bale is around 23” wide (15” tall approx. 48” long). We stack the bales on-end between the 2x studs. A 2-string bale gives us an 18" thick straw bale wall (without plywood or plaster) and a 3-sting bale gives us a 15" thick straw bale wall (again, without the plywood or plaster). The 2-string bales need to have one edge notched to fit around a 2x, and the 3-string bales need some stuffing to fill the 1" wide vertical gap. Both walls have an insulation value of around R-28. There are a couple of ways to keep the bales secured to the studs—we use long screws and 6 x 6 plywood washers on 2’ vertical centers, though others have used baling twine. None of this is prescribed in
Appendix S Straw Bale Construction, but it’s something engineers familiar with straw bale building have come across, and it’s described briefly in CASBA’s book.
Plywood sheathing is among the most common lateral force resistance systems in North American residential construction so most builders and building code officials are familiar with it. Since straw bale walls are much heavier than conventional insulations, these walls need serious hold-downs embedded in the foundation wall, and the nailing schedule may be different from conventional, but now you have exterior finish options. You could apply lime plaster just as any lime plaster might go over sheathing—2-ply building paper, mesh, three-coat lime plaster regime. Or, you could install any kind of siding you like over the sheathing—metal, cement board, wood. If you’re really concerned about wind-driven rain you could also add a rain screen to either the plastered or sided exterior walls. You still need to be careful about flashing windows, and I recommend sills to direct water running down windows away from the wall, but this wall assembly is a huge improvement over reservoir cladding systems where wind-driven rain is a concern.
On these projects we usually apply clay-plasters to the interior surface of the straw bale wall. We apply interior lime plasters too, but clay plasters are more forgiving, easier to repair, are better able to moderate interior humidity, and more. We also do a really good job of air-sealing the interior walls. Not much vapor is going to pass through the clay plaster itself, but as with
any building, most water vapor that gets into the wall hitched a ride on air moving freely through gaps and cracks where the walls meet windows, doors, partition walls, ceilings, and all the tiny holes in electrical outlet boxes. Prevent air movement into the walls and you’ll also block the primary route moisture takes to get there.
I also agree with John about the rainwater collection system. Much easier in the long run to use one or more large tanks than fuss with connecting dozens of smaller tanks. Here, the “sweet spot” in terms of cost/gallon is an above-ground 2,500 gallon poly tank that is about 8’ tall and 8’ diameter. There are trade-offs of course. Some consider above-ground poly tanks an eyesore, and they'll degrade if not shielded from the sun. Below-ground tanks solve this problem (and keep your water cool!), but cost more and the connections are more difficult to access for repairs and maintenance. Above-ground steel tanks are popular and readily available in your area, but their longevity comes with a higher price.
Jim Reiland
Many Hands Builders