Your post now mentions moderation which at best is a slap in the face for the volunteers and at worse, clutters up the site with off topic comments. I suggest you change it before the post gets removed. Here's more information on that:
The question is currently problem-focused and talks about the spray a lot. This is almost guaranteed to attract trolish behaviour from other posters who will also focus on the problem. It's unlikely you will get a usable
answer from the way the question is currently worded. This is why problem-focused topics are restricted to the cider press.
I think what you want to ask is how to create protection from sprays your upwind neighbour uses.
If you can re-word the question to focus on the solution you are looking for rather than starting and going on and on about the problem, that's something we can talk about on the main forums and is far more likey to get a useful answer.
Otherwise, earn some more apples and post to the cider press.