I'm pretty sure that "linoleum" predated plastics.Nicole Alderman wrote:I find it all rather crazy. Most everything with a "lin" in it seems to come from linen, in so many ways that I would not have expected. I always figured linoleum was plastic...but no, it was made from flax/linen!
Linoleum is a floor covering made from materials such as solidified linseed oil (linoxyn), pine resin, ground cork dust, sawdust, and mineral fillers such as calcium carbonate, most commonly on a burlap or canvas backing. Pigments are often added to the materials to create the desired colour finish. Commercially, the material has been largely replaced by sheet vinyl flooring, although in the UK and Australia this is often still referred to as "lino"... Linoleum was invented by Englishman Frederick Walton.[3] In 1855[1]
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Works at a residential alternative high school in the Himalayas SECMOL.org . "Back home" is Cape Cod, E Coast USA.
Nicole wrote: What if the reason we have different names for flax and linen is because of that Norman invasion bringing French/latin names for the processed derivitive of the thing, and leaving the Germanic term for the thing itself."
Jay Angler wrote:Plastics didn't take off until the 1950's.
The highest function of ecology is the understanding of consequences.
Rebecca Norman wrote:When I was kid we made linocuts for printing, few times. Carved into scraps of linoleum.
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”― Albert Einstein
They kept fire breathing monkeys as pets! This tiny ad told me so!
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