Steve Rowe wrote:(today's 'certified organic' movement is for the most part a charade and the corporations have pretty much taken that over through onerous Gov't regulations). Yes, many of you are taking umbrage with that statement
James Dulle wrote:We need more communities like this in the world. We would love to have your community in our neighborhood. We are in central NY state near Ithaca. I'll let you know if any land nearby comes up for sale.
" And then will the whole earth be tilled in righteousness and will all be planted with trees and be full of blessing." - Enoch 10:18
Passionate advocate for living at a human scale and pace.
Help me grow the permaculture presence in Indiana
Concise Guide to Permies' Publishing Standards:
Passionate advocate for living at a human scale and pace.
Help me grow the permaculture presence in Indiana
Concise Guide to Permies' Publishing Standards:
Jim Garlits wrote:If you are looking to emulate the Amish (and I would include Penn Dutch), in an area that has four seasons, with favorable homeschooling laws, you're looking west of northern Appalachia. Lucky for you this is the heart of what coastal elites call "flyover." It's easy to Google homeschooling laws for each state. Pennsylvania has very strict laws. Ohio less so, but still pretty detailed. Indiana on the other hand, has practically no homeschooling laws. You have to register your homeschool with the state, and keep records of "learning days." You have to teach 180 days out of the year. That's it. There are a lot of Amish in Indiana. A lot of Mennonites, too. The cost of living in this part of the Midwest is low. Unincorporated land is relatively cheap.
I won't critique your plan. There's an old Polish saying, "not my circus, not my monkeys." Not that I think it would end up being a circus. You'll want to make sure your legal matters are well drawn up in case families want to back out, etc.
I hope you find what you're looking for.
Hi Jim,
Thanks for your input however we aren't looking to'emulate' the Amish... We live very close to the same lifestyle, but our way of practicing our Christian faith is vastly different in some ways... In fact, we hope to be an example to the Amish in some things they are missing. We have Amish friends and have lived amongst Mennonites and Plain people for years so we are well acquainted with all those groups. Don't get me wrong in saying that, we love the Amish people and think they are about the best neighbors you could ask for! They also have a lot of the resources needed for horses so there are advantages to living near them.
We have already researched the Homeschooling laws in every state and many places have been eliminated based on their unfavorable homeschooling laws alone. As for the 'legal matters' there is a plethora of ways to deal with that and each families needs or wants are going to be different anyway. People will be able to come and go very easily with the community model we are implementing so someone 'backing out' isn't a big concern.
Best regards,
Passionate advocate for living at a human scale and pace.
Help me grow the permaculture presence in Indiana
Concise Guide to Permies' Publishing Standards:
Carmen Cullen wrote:My spouse and I are Mennonites, and I think anyone in our church would fit in in your community. I'm glad to see you doing God's work in this way.
Something that brought us to Christianity was meeting Christians while building our homestead. Our most powerful experience was buying our initial breeding pair of rabbits from nuns, and they blessed them and us before we left. Now that we're Mennonites, almost all of our needs can be met by using Mennonite resources. I'm getting my sewing machine repaired by Mennonites, I do my grocery shopping at the Mennonite grocery store, we buy our soil from Mennonites, you get the idea.
Not trying to convert you to my denomination, but you may find that placing yourself near Mennonite resources would get you very far on this project. You'll find that it's a denomination that blends well with an agrarian lifestyle, but without the strict lifestyle requirements of Amish. Some Mennonites are very strict though, so you'll have to do some legwork to find a community that you fit in with.
I came because I'm agrarian, I stayed for the values of non-violence, good works through God's love, and the strength of community.
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Heat your home with the twigs that naturally fall of the trees in your yard