Still need more input...
1. about where are you located - not specifically, but knowing whether you're on high plains with minimal rain vs the wet coast will get more place appropriate suggestions!
2. what are your personal goals for the
land? Animals, food forest, market garden, other? Approximate size you will be farming?
3. you mention making money - again, do you need a product you can
sell locally, or do you have a big
city just over the horizon? Who will be your market?
4. yes, some will likely be rotted, judging by the pile, but generally, is there sound wood there?
5. even the cut off bits look like there's good wood within the mess - that makes me think
fence boards for short or medium term wind protection or animal containment. Some idea of the general length will help people suggest things.
6. what sort of time can you commit to make something work? Value added is where most of the money is in wood, but adding value takes time.
That is a huge carbon source, and most farmland is short on carbon, so I wouldn't want to see it leave your land "just to get it out of the way". I'd do lots of tall hugels before doing that, if you have the space to do that. Simple junk-pile fences to contain critters in or exclude them will eventually decay into good soil for planting forage trees or fruit trees. I'm a long term sort of thinker - what will that wood turn into in another 10 years and can you help it get there in a way that's beneficial for you and the land?
Have you read this
thread: 101 Things to do with a pile of sticks