Its okay to seek and try natural remodies for things. Some people find that they work and some people find that they don't. My advice would be to research and try, hopefully under the supervision of a naturopathic dr. if you can afford it/if your insurance will cover it. Gut also remain open, if you try for a while and things are getting worse rather than better, that its okay to take medical shit if you need it. In my mid 20s I got off my brain medicine to try natural options. I tried various things under a naturopath who was specialized in mental health options from the earth. After nine months I was way too suicidal and miserable to continue trying things so I had to get back on the medicine I knew helped. It doesn't fix it, but it takes the edge off so I can use my coping skills etc.
Obviously some people find that this works for them so its worthy of trying! Just keep tabs on yourself to know how far is too far to go if there isn't relief occuring. And yes, try several options if you're able to, to give each a chance to kick in and help you if it can.
I'd wait until things settle down for you though as you're coming out of a really difficult life change.
I do Celtic, fantasy, folk and shanty singing at Renaissance faires, fantasy festivals, pirate campouts, and other events in OR and WA, USA.
RionaTheSinger on youtube