BRK #27
Busy day today with the SKIP event, particularly in the afternoon. Here are a bunch of photos of our attendees in action while constructing their
Kindling Crackers for the Metalworking Badge. All in all, I was very impressed!
Here's David, fine-tuning the settings and melting some angle iron with the ox-acetelyne torch. He also took time out to teach a few other attendees how to use it on their projects. Well done, man!
Rich and Amir teamed-up to build a rebar-framed Kindling Cracker. Here they are,
side by side, cleaning up the edges and corners for some of their cut metal bits.
In this photo, Amir focuses his attention on their unique housing for the splitting blade used to cut the
wood into kindling.
Instructor Mike coaches Alexander through his first attempts at welding.
While we were busy melting and welding, other attendees had stepped up to help prepare dinner for the evening. It was all delicious, including this solar-cooked rice. After adding boiling
water, the sun's
energy finished off the dish with free, efficient energy.
THANK YOU for such an excellent meal, Robyne!
Finally, here's Sean cutting away at some angle iron to complete his Kindling Cracker as a solo
project. I see a Metalworking Badge in his future...
Thank you for reading, and enjoy your day...!