Lisa Brunette wrote:We just went through a huge batch of fried green tomatoes, sharing them with family. They're great accompanied by eggs. You can either fry the egg and eat it on the side with the fried green tomatoes, or a nice breakfast followup is to reheat the fried green tomatoes, dice them, and add to an omelet. Delicious!
I used this recipe from Southern Living:
Fried Green Tomatoes with Buttermilk
Gemma Boyd
Lisa Brunette wrote:We just went through a huge batch of fried green tomatoes, sharing them with family. They're great accompanied by eggs. You can either fry the egg and eat it on the side with the fried green tomatoes, or a nice breakfast followup is to reheat the fried green tomatoes, dice them, and add to an omelet. Delicious!
I used this recipe from Southern Living:
Fried Green Tomatoes with Buttermilk
Gemma Boyd
Dave Bross wrote:Here's quite a few ideas on what to do with tomatoes. Scroll down past all the how to grow stuff and there are 100 or so old time simple recipes for cooking and pickling:
Gemma Boyd
Merilee Karr wrote:Green Tomato Pie is a traditional fall dessert. Make pie of the last tomatoes that won't ripen.
My favorite recipe: [url=]
Renee's Garden Green Tomato and Apple Pie[/url]
Gemma Boyd
Katie Dee wrote:
Gemma Boyd wrote:
James Freyr wrote:You can fry them. It's a southern thing, and they're delicious. Basically sliced a 1/4 or 1/2 inch thick, breaded and pan fried. An internet search for fried green tomatoes will yield a variety of recipes, and the 1990's movie by the same name.
James; green fried tomato sounds amazing. I shall give them a go and let you know what I think. All the best, Gemma
Gemma and James - I make a spicy mayonnaise dip for the fried green tomatoes: mix mayonnaise and (to taste) a little chili powder, a little garlic powder and a little cayenne pepper.
There is also a "Green Tomato Casserole" that is a traditional deep South dish. There are a number of recipes online. It is a little like scalloped potatoes, but has a tangy flavor.
Gemma Boyd
Thekla McDaniels wrote:I bet they would be good as chutney. As for the ripening, my experience has been that they turn red, but they don’t produce more sugars, they are similar to grocery store tomatoes, which are also picked green… still worth having, but it’s worth mentioning. One year I had thirty plus flat boxes of heirloom tomatoes I picked before first frost. I had them spread around the living room and kitchen (full daylight in south facing room with lots of windows, temperature 55 F roughly), and picked the out of the boxes as they ripened. I made and canned maybe 2 dozen quarts of juice. They very much left something to be desired.
Another thought: putting an apple into an enclosed space (paper bag) will speed the ripening. The apple gives off ethylene gas which speeds ripening.
I vote for the uses that depend on other ingredients for flavor!
Gemma Boyd
Shawn Foster wrote:Dadgumit, where was this thread last year when I had 40+ pounds of green tomatoes? I ended up making:
- pomodori verde (pasta sauce, heavy on the basil and amazing with some heavy cream)
- ketchup
- pickled green cherry tomatoes
- plain canned green tomatoes, which primarily went into white chili
and the winner…green tomato mincemeat. This stuff is amazing. Drop a couple spoonfuls into plain yogurt. Pop it into thumbprint cookies. Oh, if you’re not imaginative, then make mincemeat pie. It is so, so good. I had barely enough green tomatoes to make a batch this year, which came out of the canner this morning. Mmmmmm.
Shawn Foster wrote:Dadgumit, where was this thread last year when I had 40+ pounds of green tomatoes? I ended up making:
- pomodori verde (pasta sauce, heavy on the basil and amazing with some heavy cream)
- ketchup
- pickled green cherry tomatoes
- plain canned green tomatoes, which primarily went into white chili
and the winner…green tomato mincemeat. This stuff is amazing. Drop a couple spoonfuls into plain yogurt. Pop it into thumbprint cookies. Oh, if you’re not imaginative, then make mincemeat pie. It is so, so good. I had barely enough green tomatoes to make a batch this year, which came out of the canner this morning. Mmmmmm.
Best luck: satisfaction
Greatest curse, greed
Christopher Weeks wrote:You can make fermented dill pickles with green tomatoes at the end of the season just exactly like you would with cukes and they're pretty good. (I do it with garlic, bay, and chiles -- dill is optional.)
Trying to achieve self-reliance on a tiny suburban plot: