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how to get rid of Candida?

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leila hamaya wrote:

Cj Verde wrote:I haven't found any non-anecdotal evidence that xylitol spikes blood sugar but this was interesting and sort of OT from Wikipedia:

Common yeast cells used in effectly fermenting and producing xylitol are Candida tropicalis and Candida guilliermondii.

So, Candida can produce xylitol but that doesn't mean it can consume xylitol.


thats really weird! i didnt know about any of this.

Me too, that's why I posted it. So on the one hand it does reinforce the idea of it being quite "natural" (unlike, say, Sweet & Low which I think is a petrochemical and tastes yucky). I think to manufacture it commercially they resort to different methods. As for it's effects of yeast infections ... it remains a bit of a mystery.
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well most all of what i found googling about this was that people are trying to develop a low cost way to produce xylitol, and from sources other than birch or corncobs.
in this they talk about using a "mutant" strain of candida, not alibicans (the kind we are talking about here) to ferment the source, so that not as much heat and pressure (expensive processing) is needed.

i could not find whether this is common practice or is being used currently, i do not think it is. at least not yet. only found long scientific articles above my head mostly about experimenting trying to find a cheaper way. and those articles were pretty new (2005-2011) so if people have just been experimenting with this it seems likely it is still being done the more expensive way that was originally developed. i am guessing the info is out there, whether this is being used or will be used in the future, its just a lot to wade through.

i am finding negative articles, which truthfully to me just seemed to be based on fear and not having all the info, with various paranoid sounding anti xylitol statements. then theres TONS of positive articles write ups and peoples personal experience.

one of the things i think is involved here is that many people who try it already either have candida or some other serious illness. the side effects are , IMO, the side effects of the illness and the "die off" effect that is so bad. the xyloitol isnt making it worse, its just making it more noticeable and actually addressing it, which as i understand it is an inevitable part of the healing process. people dont understand that as counter intuitive as it can seem, feeling really bad when you first start to actually deal with it is a sign its working, and you just have to push through that sucky phase.

i will continue to use it, as i truly believe it is an extremely beneficial thing for someone with systemic yeast/fungal infection, as it actually attacks the yeasts with its bait and switch.

i am guessing that most companies are still using the original method for processing it, and the best ones you can get are from gmo free corn and birch. these are also the most expensive, but usually the only ones a good health food store will carry, as they research their products.
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leila hamaya wrote:
i am finding negative articles, which truthfully to me just seemed to be based on fear and not having all the info, with various paranoid sounding anti xylitol statements. then theres TONS of positive articles write ups and peoples personal experience.

I have learned that anything that comes from big, complicated processing SHOULD be feared or a least approached with EXTREME caution. Trying to make it cheaper or with alternative materials or methods is a warning sign too.
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When we are refering to candidiasis where are the invasions of candida occuring ? Oral candidiasis is called thrush . Are we speaking of esophagitis , vaginitis , urinary tract infections , colitis , anal puritis , dermatitis ? Being that candida is normally on the skin you can see that it migrates into the body through one of these portals and then becomes a problem . These portals , except for the skin , are protected by a mucous lining with its own natural flora . Largely lactobacillus . Seems to me the key is not to deter enviroments in which candida thrives {xylitol vs sugar} but to promote enviroments in which lactobacillus thrives . Lactobacillus is a stalwart guardian against yeasts and many other pathogens ,
leila hamaya
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wayne stephen wrote:When we are refering to candidiasis where are the invasions of candida occuring ? Oral candidiasis is called thrush . Are we speaking of esophagitis , vaginitis , urinary tract infections , colitis , anal puritis , dermatitis ? Being that candida is normally on the skin you can see that it migrates into the body through one of these portals and then becomes a problem . These portals , except for the skin , are protected by a mucous lining with its own natural flora . Largely lactobacillus . Seems to me the key is not to deter enviroments in which candida thrives {xylitol vs sugar} but to promote enviroments in which lactobacillus thrives . Lactobacillus is a stalwart guardian against yeasts and many other pathogens ,

this is common to the way a lot of doctors see this, as very separate illnesses limited to their particular body part. they dont see how its all connected and can spread inside the body. they are starting to actually...but they havent in the past.

you forgot sinuses, which is part of how my problem started. i worked in a bakery, a very small place without proper ventilation. after a long time of breathing in yeast, flour and sugar particles in the air i got a wicked sinus infection. futher i was eating a lot of free bread, and sweets as they were available to me in abundance. my diet was based on sugar and wheat, which is really bad for getting this condition. i didnt realize the problem for many years, and it wasnt until i had other issues, as well as extensive dental problems, too many rounds of antibiotics that the candida came on in full force, as it had been lingering in my body getting more and more out of balance through too much yeast sugar and wheat. add to this lack of proper nutrition, and some defiencies which i wasnt adressing.

when the digestive system gets out of balance, which takes a long time, over use of prescriptions and antibiotics, the bacteria/yeast balance in the digestive system gets out of wack. it starts in the digestive tract and grows out of control with all the food given it improperly eating too much sugar and wheat. and moves outward in the body, affecting the muscles and joints, as well as the skin...the skin trying to detox the body, as one of its functions, it is trying to push out the over growth and the toxins created by it once it gets to that over growth state.

yes lactobacillus is one of the best things you can take, and other probiotics. but that alone is not going to address the problem once its as developed as it can get with years of bad diet, antibiotics, immune system not being at full stregnth, etc. it has to be addressed in the diet, with anti fungals/anti yeast herbs or substances, as well as probiotics
leila hamaya
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also candida lives in the digestive tract, naturally. i think sourdough bread, capturing yeasts from the air, also uses candida, only another kind?

so the goal isnt to completely get rid of candida, but to bring back proper balance to the digestive system so it can function as it should, and keep the candida in check.

it's only when the candida over grows and isnt kept in check that it becomes a problem. this is a chronic illness, and it takes many many years to develop, and actually a long time to address it and get the digestive system back in balance. there can be other issues, and usually are as well, like parasites and gunk building up in the digestive system.

eating tons of sugar and wheat does not allow this to happen.

and its pretty scary that alternative healers and naturopaths consider this to be the beginning of cancer. like i said doctors do not, or have not in the past, really recognized this, but naturopaths have seen this and called it "candy disease" because of the sugar connection and because of the intense cravings for sugar it bring on when its developed. by many alternative healers, it is considered to be the precursor to cancer in the body, and indicates an acidic body as well. affecting the pH in the body is another way to try to address it while using the other ways as well.

yeast and fungus are very very difficult to kill. it just hides out in the body, back to its stronghold hidden in the digestive tract, the person will feel a lot better but not have completely eliminated it. just gotten it under control. then if the conditions for it to flare up again happen it starts over again moving out into the body...this would manifest as some of the yeast infections you mention, depending on the weak parts of the body, show skin problems, thrush or joint problems, or whatever else.
Cj Sloane
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leila hamaya wrote:...a long time to address it and get the digestive system back in balance. there can be other issues, and usually are as well, like parasites and gunk building up in the digestive system.

eating tons of sugar and wheat does not allow this to happen.

I assume you mean eating sugar and wheat doesn't allow the system to bet back into balance.

I would imagine you'd have to eliminate potatoes too as they contain more glucose than table sugar!
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Misty, I don't know if you've found a satisfactory diet plan this past week, but if you are still looking for some ideas or guidance, these are some great, non-gimmicky, don't-have-to-buy-anything-to-get-started sources for specifically gut-healing, good-bacteria-encouraging diets:

GAPS diet (eliminates disaccharides and recommends probiotics to allow the lower intestine to "rest" and heal itself): http://www.gapsdiet.com/

Paleo diet (eliminates grains/legumes/sugar/unfermented dairy): http://www.marksdailyapple.com/welcome-to-marks-daily-apple/#axzz31KUKKxSt or http://thepaleodiet.com/nutritional-basics-of-the-paleo-diet/

or my personal favorite, The Perfect Health Diet (kind of a Paleo spin-off that emphasizes "safe starches" to feed good gut flora): http://perfecthealthdiet.com/the-diet/

I'm sure we all have our own ideas about the perfect foods to eat to combat candida, but these sources specifically have forums/recipes/support to get you started with sugar-free or grain-free living and help you get a good nutritional foundation so you can see what works best for you.

Also, you mentioned that you had tried wheat-free eating before and had terrible headaches. While they may have been a detox reaction, they might also just have been the result of going too low-carb too suddenly. When I have this problem, it is really helpful to intentionally have some "safe starches" handy like lots of cooked carrots, cooked winter squash, sweet potatoes (if you choose to do a diet that allows starches) or other higher-carb, non-grain options. I eat them with lots of butter/coconut oil so they don't give me an insulin rush, but their carby goodness helps reduce cravings and headaches.

Best of luck to you! It does take a while to get used to a new way of eating, but the incredible health benefits are so worth it. Also, it is really fun and empowering to be able to bypass sweets and baked goods without a second thought!
leila hamaya
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Cj Verde wrote:

leila hamaya wrote:...a long time to address it and get the digestive system back in balance. there can be other issues, and usually are as well, like parasites and gunk building up in the digestive system.

eating tons of sugar and wheat does not allow this to happen.

I assume you mean eating sugar and wheat doesn't allow the system to bet back into balance.

I would imagine you'd have to eliminate potatoes too as they contain more glucose than table sugar!

yes thats what i meant. as long as you keep eating a lot of wheat and sugar the digestive system cant get back to healthy balance and function properly.

i am totally weary of anyone, especially now theres an internet buzz about this and a lot of sites selling candida cures, who doesnt tell you that you have to address the wheat and sugar in your diet. it wasnt so much like this years ago when i was first researching and learning about this, but now there seems to be tons of sites trying to sell a quick fix to this problem in an expensive medicine/pill, and saying you can eat what you want. the pill they offer might be good, but its not going to be cured unless you do this, cut out wheat and sugar at least for a time, and cleanse diet.

actually if you are just going to do one thing - cutting out sugar and wheat is the thing you can do that will be most effective.

and true, candida diets are very strict, and when i first started i was very strict with my diet. not just potatoes, carrots, corn, beets, peanuts, all kinds of stuff is on the do not eat list. usually for the sugar content, even white rice. most fruit is also on the lists, though that is something i did eat, when i wasnt trying to fast. i continue to eat rice, and did then too -brown rice is ok though, and i dont think white rice was one of my problem foods. its much simpler, and more effective to completely fast, for the begining part of it, and do short and longer fasts. i think someone could be doing a good cleanse diet and say still having the occasional carrot, or rice, or some of the other things on the list.

so i guess i am not that strict, and especially now that i am just trying to maintain, though actually as years go by i have slipped into some old patterns as i felt better and better. the most important thing is to cut out sugar and wheat, the rest i dont think is as important, the sugars in fruit for instance are very different than white refined sugar, or even brown unrefined sugar.

but for the short term beginning part its best to eat as little as possible, and to cut out the big problems. its better to ease into it anyway, its harsh to cut out almost everything from your diet, especially if you eat a lot of junk food, just cutting that out is a big step. in general if you are making your own food from scratch, even if it involves carrots or potatoes, or other foods on the do not eat list, you are doing ok.
leila hamaya
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this looks like a pretty good site that goggle just pointed me to:

Foods To Eat On The Candida Diet
Foods To Eat On The Candida Diet

Foods To Avoid On The Candida Diet
Foods To Avoid On The Candida Diet

with a lot of other diet and recipe information available there
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thank you so much everyone! really got a lot to "chew on" but please by all means keep it coming! what ever you have to share!! So many great links and info and many things for me to have to think about! It's great to have such a response and such knowledgeable people! Glad to know I'm not alone in my quest to not rid but bring to balance my Candida issue.
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Xylitol is not a chemical nor is it artificial. It is made from the bark of birch trees. It is also naturally occurring in some fruits. It is also made by your own body. So if you are trying to avoid it sorry, you got it. If you have a bad reaction to Xylitol, it is normally your body just getting used to greater amounts of it. To get rid of Candida, it depends on where on your body you got it. If you have a skin infection (overgrowth) of Candida, you can try using a vinegar wash 2 to 3 times a day in the area. The vinegar creates an anti-fungal environment, allowing the natural bacteria to fight the candida and bring it back into balance. If you have a candida infection in the female areas a suppository of Boric Acid and cocoanut oil can be very helpful. (there are recipes on the internet for it). Again a vinegar based douche is also helpful. (again recipes on the internet). If you have a systemic infection changing your diet removing sugar, and carbs that break down quickly into sugar, treating the breakouts with the vinegar, eat fermented foods. If all else fails get you a prescription for diflucan.
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I suffered from systemic Candida (vs thrush or some other acute infection)... which was what directly lead me to further research the food industry and ultimately led me to Permaculture. I went 8 months without eating sugar including fruit. I only ate grass fed/organic meat (to avoid antibiotics and hormones), and avoided most cheese(exept fresh cheeses) and dairy as well as mushrooms. I significantly increased my intake of vegetables, minimizing all starchy veggies (mostly root crops). I planned for sweet cravings, because I knew if I was going to break my diet it would be because of chocolate cravings. I used Xylitol as a sweetener. I agree with the last post, Xylitol is not an artificial sweetener, it is a natural, non sugar sweetener. (I have recently heard there may be some issues with heavy metals being involved in the extraction process...so I would make sure to buy from a reputable natural store - my biggest concern with Xylitol is it is extremly toxic to dogs - so be very careful if you have dogs in the house). Some actually recommend Xylitol to inhibit Candida growth, and it has been show to be helpful in controlling detal decay. Any sugar based sweetener should be off the table (anything ending in -ose: Lactose, Fructose, Glucose....). Agave is extremely high in fructose, in some cases as high as HFCS so even today I avoid it, since Fructose has conclusively been shown to cause diabetes. There are some other non sugar/natural sweeteners (Lo Han Guo aka Monk Fruit - I have never tried this and Vegetable Gycerine is also sweet, but is not sugar - I have used this successfully. Inulin and/or FOS Fructo-oligosaccharides - sweet but cannot be digested by humans, but the good bacteria in your colon will love it). Always look for Maltodextrin though. It is not technically a sugar(it's a starch so it doesn't have to be shown on the label as a sugar), but it instantly converts to sugar once you ingest it. I have seen a lot of packaged foods that include it - even "sugar free" sweeteners...very disappointing. I stopped using soy sauce (can contain wheat and sugar) and switched to Braggs Liquid Aminos (I did a lot of stir fries so it became a staple)... and tried to avoid MSG in my diet.

I rotated grains (amranth, quinoa, teff, millet, buckwheat...I think I may have been eating brown rice, but I don't think that was very beneficial for me - I find that it tends to make me sleepy, which indicates I probably have a sensitivity to it or that it was affecting my blood sugar levels, and so I don't eat it very often any more). I used raw coconut oil for everything - baking and sauteeing - I wasn't really eating it raw, but in retrospect, I should have. Raw Apple Cider with mother is beneficial as is Oregeno/Oregeno Oil, Garlic/Garlic Oil, Pao D'Arco tea. I went to see an accupuncturist who gave me herbs... at the time I wasn't questioning everything (like I do now), so I don't know what he gave me. I also used colon hydrotherapy to help expedite the removal of toxins and dead Candida to help minimize the die off symptoms that generally occur as your body can be flooded with as you try to restore balance. I didn't know it at the time, but the addition of fermented veggies would have gone along ways to helping me as well. I didn't start eating sauerkraut until several months into the process. I would highly recommend adding them to iimprove your intestinal flora. If I was going through it today, I would probably also drink raw milk kefir, but at the time, I didn't understand it's benefits. I am an avid drinker of Kombucha, but I am always concerned as to whether or not all the sugar is gone, so, I would probably avoid it if I thought I was having a candida issue.

Somebody above said to ease into it, and that could work, but I jumped in head first and am glad I did. I started to feel better within 4 to 5 days (my cravings, headaches and general moodiness started to diminish), and my chronic sinus infection disappeared within about 3 weeks. I never felt better than I did at that time; alive, enegetic, optimistic, confident and connected.

I spent my entire childhood and most of my adult life suffering from chronic sinus, strep, bronchial, or ear infections. Up to my early 40's I was on antibiotics 4 to 6 times/year. Going through this Candida Cleanse changed my life completely. I have added sugar back to my diet, not because I wanted it, but it crept in because it is in nearly every processed food, and it is really hard to avoid unless you are extremely rigorous, and my life just got too complicated to maintain that kind of rigidity, but I never felt better than when it was NOT a part of my diet. I don't have the infections I used to have....any time I have gotten sick (which has only been a couple of times over the last 7 years), it is usually at a time when my diet has deteriorated for one reason or another.

Every website or book you read is going to have a slightly different take on how to treat Candida... for me it was helpful to be working with a health practitioner, but I found several books to be helpful as well. If you don't want to buy books hit your library...(I bought a lot of books at Abe Books ultra cheap).

You have to see what works for you. Just getting off sugar and wheat, increasing your probiotic intake and adding more raw coconut oil and raw apple cider vinegar should improve your health. If you aren't ready to go cold turkey there are some good books that can help inspire you and get you started. One of my favorite authors was Kathleen Des Maisons...(Little Sugar Addicts). Nancy Appleton is another good source and you could always read Sugar Blues or Sugar Shock for motivation as well.

Good Luck... I hope you find lasting relief.

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Thank you leila and everyone else. There's certainly a lot for me to learn about this one. This is probably the most widespread preventable epidemic out there. I'm putting 10 flags on the thread for a while.

Shawn --- You've been with us over two years and have only posted once. It's about the best first attempt that I've seen. I hope to see more from you.
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My wife has had systemic candida issues for a long time. She tried everything natural that we could find.

Long story short, less than 1 month of food grade diatomaceous earth and calcium bentonite taken with heavy probiotics (mostly kefir from local raw milk) and she has had major breakthrough.

Dale Hodgins
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10 fresh flags.
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Greetings all! I'm fairly new to this forum, but have had quite a bit of experience with Candida albicans, both personally and professionally (I'm a retired alternative health consultant). Having dealt with a MASSIVE overgrowth myself, I can speak first hand about what it takes to get this organism back into balance with the rest of the body, and what it feels like to go through such a "health project."

One of the most informative books on the subject is now out of print, but if you can find a copy somewhere, most of the information is still some of the best. It's called: Candidiasis...Rampant and Dangerous" by Dr. John H. Jeffries. He was an Oregon physician who would take and treat the clients that other doctors didn't want to deal with. Since the paperback was published in 1988--obviously--a bit more knowledge has been unearthed, so there are a couple of points that I would say are outmoded. However, the profile of Candida in the book is pretty darned accurate, and most of the recommendations to bring it back into balance with the body are still right-on as well.

Candida albicans is something we're born with. It's in our gut, and does actually serve a useful purpose, at least, when it is not out of control like a four alarm fire! It has been said to be good at dealing with viruses we ingest which are on our food. However just because someone has identified one useful thing that it does for us, does not mean there are several more which mankind has not yet discovered.

The human intestines is supposed have a balance of Candida albicans and probiotic organisms. So how do we get too many Candida albicans organisms and too few of the others, so that the "see-saw" becomes tipped?

To take one answer right out of Dr. Jeffries' book, "Our plethora of fast foods, highly processed, foods, homogenized foods have made an appreciable difference in our awareness of allergic problems which have reached epidemic proportions. one of our large chemical manufacturing companies once used the slogan: "BETTER LIVING THROUGH CHEMISTRY." That slogan is taken as the major joke of the century, and the joke is on us."

The Candida organism is like a crowd of happy picnic-ers. When their picnic area becomes too small for their numbers, they migrate to other nice, clean, pristine picnic locations. At first they don't go very away...the other organs in the midsection (and the female reproductive system) are rich in the sort of lifestyle they enjoy and it is very close to the intestines. So off the younger organisms go through the blood stream to their fresh picnic ground. If they are given sufficient food and the body's immune system has been depressed, then they will eventually start colonizing other parts of the body as well, and will eventually make their way up to the brain.

Little parasitic-buggers are adept at mimicking the human tissue. Physicians don't know when they are looking at tissue that was made by parasites, rather than the human's own body! I cannot prove it, but feel that Candida overgrowth is a part of making autoimmune troubles. At that point, the body may be attacking all tissue relating to an organ, because parasites have taken up residence there and have produced tissue which confuses the immune system into attacking all of that sort.

These little picnic-ers spew quite a bit of mess around. In 1988, scientists had identified over 70 toxic substances which are released into the body by these things, and a while back I read the number had gone up to 110. Some even claim 200--or more. Two of the toxins are alcohol and acetaldehyde ( a cousin of formaldehyde). And a boatload of free radicals which will "rust" your body--but good The thing is...whether they are proliferating or dying off/going dormant, you will feel lousy until things get better.

Although the age-old remedy was a prescription of nystatin, sooner or later some of the Candida will develop an immunity to it, as well as to garlic and other substances which kill off some of its numbers. I do not believe that a mature Candida organism develops an immunity to something, so much as that whatever is killing it causes it to spawn new Candida with the immunity built in to what killed the parent organism.

There are a few things which Candida CANNOT build an immunity to--a higher alkaline content being taken into the body regularly (which can serve to re-balance the pH of your body as the Candida overgrowth continues to spew forth acids), and seriously limiting the carbohydrates eaten. Also eating in such a way as to give the body the nutrients it needs and boosting the immune system.

The immune system is on overwhelm by the time an individual becomes aware that they have a Candida overgrowth situation going on. This is tends to be a slow-growing, in-the-background, type of thing. It takes a major overhaul of what the sufferer is eating to genuinely return to good health.

I probably need to stop and explain something here--Candida seems to "hatch" one way, then it develops into a slightly different shape with different capabilites. This is where I'm relying on my "spidey-senses" going on what I've observed (cause-and-effect), so I cannot give you scientific documentation for what I'm going to say next. (Working with and manipulating energy down to the quantum level gives one impressions.) Think of Candida as hatching out like a live-bearing fish hatches baby fishes. They fall out of the mother fish in a round ball, then "pop!" and they have expanded to a small fish! It's quite remarkable to watch. Well, imagine Candida being produced like little balls and able to ride the current of the circulatory system, being swept into fresh territory.

An overly-acid (hence, out of balance pH) and an excess of glucose available for their dining pleasure causes them to grow rapdily and at some point they develop a corkscrew like tail which they screw into your soft tissue and that is their home for the rest of their life span. Their head sticks out of your tissue and anchored there it feeds. When it dies off, it leaves a hole behind. If the body is feeling compromised, it might not be able to heal that hole very well, especially if it has way too many holes appearing in rapid succession! This leads to "leaky gut syndrome" where food particles which are too large go through those holes and into the blood stream. This causes the immune system to try to deal with them, as they are perceived as invaders, which they pretty much are, as they are way too large to be in there in the first place. Once a person's gut is "leaky" with holes, they will develop food sensitivities and after a while, smell sensitivities as well. By then, their immune system is DEFINITELY on overload. Bear in mind that it is also trying to do mop-up on all those Candida organisms spewing massive toxins all over the place, as a certain number die off every day, since the total number of them has become way out of whack.

Again, I do not have any "scientific proof" for this next statement, but I believe that the Candida organisms are capable of chemically stimulating intense cravings in our minds and bodies when we deprive them of the foods they thrive on. One can become absolutely overwhelmed by the cravings, to the point of not even thinking clearly about food choices--it's like pounding drums in your head, and every second you are utterly craving a food that will restore the Candida colonies to "mid season form!" The good news is that in time, this will subside. The kicker here is not to go completely off everything except plain meat and green veggies--your body does need some complex carbs. But only a few! And preferably in vegetable form.

Most lending libraries have a few books on a "Candida diet." That information hasn't changed much in the last 20-30 years or so. The consensus is that one needs to avoid all prepared foods, and eat only fresh foods. However, many folks find that their lifestyle demands that they must at least depend upon frozen foods. I say "fair enough." Good quality frozen foods, and elimination of the "Do NOT eat" foods will take you further than attempting all fresh foods and falling off the wagon repeatedly when the demands of your life overwhelm your time to cook as you'd like to, or when your budget and lack of stuff out in the garden fails you.

Here's the thing about dealing with this organism---I have found that my clients would swear (and they believed what they were telling me) that they were ALREADY eating healthily. Then we'd get into specifics about what they eat...and the proof was right there. Unfortunately, we tend to become very fond of things which support Candida overgrowth. Those things are sort of 'sacred cows' with us and we tend to think we cannot give them up. A little flexibility though, and one can often find substitutes. While the substitutes may not be as comforting or quite as enjoyable as the original food item, the healing and then good health, with elimination of symptoms and getting your life back are what makes eating differently worth it.

The larger the total colony of Candida that your body is unhappily supporting, the harder the die-off will hit you. Personally, I have not met anyone yet who could go the whole route by "tapering off" from start to finish with the foods that nurture Candida because the little buggers are controlling your body with "chemical warfare." However, if you have a very large overgrowth, and your body is accustomed to condiments (vinegar, yellow liquid mustard, catsup, soy sauce, pickles that have been canned), cheeses, store bought milk, honey, sugars, soda pop (regular or sugar free), sugar free commercial products or gluten-free made with grais, grains themselves (wheat, barley, spelt, einkorn, rice etc.), mushrooms of the store bought-standard variety, corn, peanut butter and all peanut products...just for starters, well, you might consider tapering off the soda pop and condiments first. Oh! By the way, All alcoholic products feed Candida also.

What your body cannot break down becomes food for "the bugs" inside you as well. Meaning the critters you do NOT want to feed. If you'll grab a copy of "Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type," (many public libraries have a copy), and if you know your blood type, check out what you've been eating that actually disagrees with you (on the inside). The "lectins" in the food (when your body cannot break something down adequately) can feed the bugs and can cause inflammation and auto-immune problems.

Once the body has become somewhat compromised, it is very helpful if you will give it a boost by taking a multi-purpose sort of food enzyme when you eat. Often the body is not manufacturing much of those enzymes because it's been under attack for quite some time (even before you were aware of the problem). And many of us over age 50 don't manufacture sufficient food enzymes anyway. This leads into a discussion of food combining for health, but that's off topic, so will not be discussed in this post.

At some point, you will want to go "cold turkey," if you can, and consume good quality meats (not corn fed), and go in for the low carb veggies (greens primarily). The goal is to starve the Candida overgrowth population. As they die off, the larger ones eat the smaller dead ones...not a charming picture. You'd think that would substantially lessen the die-off symptoms, but initially they can get rather severe and hard to ignore. It is common to get the flu, feel somewhat dizzy, sick to your stomach, too hot, then chills, a bad headache, etc. However, the more fragile the body has become, and the larger the overgrowth, the bigger the die-off problems become.

During that time, the liver and spleen really take it in the shorts as they attempt to filter all those toxins and waste products. That is when I've found dandelion and milk thistle tinctures to be very helpful. Especially the dandelion! It supports the liver. The body gets even MORE acidic with die-off. So making a "shake" in the blender with water, lettuce and perhaps a bit of bell pepper, and if the taste is not what you think you can do, add just a bit of pared green apple. Obviously, one would like all organic foods here, but sometimes that is just not possible, and for alkalizing purposes, even conventionally grown will help the body to right its pH, help detoxify you, and you'll feel better.

Vitamin C is a detoxifier (as is vitamin A, however A is oil soluable, and can build to toxic levels while C is water based and will be flushed if you take too much). Often, straight vitamin C will produce an ulcer in just a few days. So buffered is preferable. (I prefer to get my extra C from clover sprouts and grapefruit but that's just me.) By the way, there was a time when my body was so incredibly compromised that I was fighting to remain alive. At that time, the only thing which gave me relief--temporary at best, but still, blessed relief--was intraveneous vitamin C. C, when taken with A and E could be thought of as spelling "ACE" and they form an antioxidant. It is easily corrrupted by the free radicals though. Coconut water (no sugar or other ingredients added) or goji berries (can be dried) test out energetically for me as a better antioxidant source.

So once you embark on starving these little buggers out of your body, which is by far the best way to go, some of them will persist in going dormant. Of course, if you continue to eat, and you must to live, some will remain alive in your body, but it can get down to a very small bunch! Taking something "to make them go away" often backfires in unexpected problems, as the body is under attack and severely compromised already!

By the way, the GOOD NEWS about die off is that although the first "speed bump" of die off symptoms can be large, you will feel better after it passes. The body will gather itself together to fight the overgrowth, then it will take a breather, at which time you'll experience another "speed bump" of die off. But this one will be less severe than the first. And when you get past it (these come in spaced out waves) you will feel even a bit better! Then another but again, even less severe die off, and feeling even BETTER yet. This continues until the Candida is no longer any problem to your body, and you have a level of health that is something you have not experienced for a long time. It's wonderful to feel good nearly all of the time. I say nearly, because most of us are not living in isolated circumstances, and people DO spread bugs amongst themselves!

Why can't folks just take a substance or two and get rid of the Candida overgrowth entirely? Because by the time one has symptoms from it, it has colonized elsewhere. Some of the organisms have colonized other organs. They may have outposts floating around in the blood. Often an overgrowth of Candida produces liver stress (which you can actually view tell-tail evidence of when viewed with a dark field microscope). Candida doesn't proliferate on its own...there are quite a few other organisms which are just as opportunistic. People don't just develop a Candida overgrowth...by then they have a lot of other types of civilizations attacking their bodies also, whether they are aware of them or not.

By the way, some of us have been exposed to massive doses of antibiotics. These promote Candida overgrowth by limiting the body's own defense system, which permits opportunistic organisms to gain an upper hand over time. Sometimes an individual (such as myself) finds themselves stuck in a squeeze-play of life which they cannot find a way to get out of for quite a period of time. In my case, it was a type of job that I detested with every fibre of my being, yet I had a child and a mortgage, and at that time there was not the type of support for working folks to go back to school that there is nowadays. In order to stay at the mind-numbing job, by afternoon I'd purchase and line up candy bars across my desk. One by one, they'd be consumed. All that corn syrup - oy vey!! You can actually get rather high off that stuff. It didn't take the agony out of the job, but it dulled it a bit and the candy was serving as "comfort food." Couple that with all the antibiotics

I'd received as a child, and an early childhood situation which gave the Candida free rein, and small wonder my health finally broke so badly! Gut destroyed, Candida overgrowth from "the basement" to "the attic" of my body, severe food allergies to nearly everything except hamburger and steamed broccoli, a body which could notr ebuild itself, a body so filled with toxins and waste that it was dying from the inside out. And that was the start of my education on healing myself and then others.

For menu ideas and recipes, check out "The Yeast Connection Cookbook," online Paleo recipes which do not use the foods which are a "no-no" for a yeast overgrowth, "Wheatbelly Cookbook" (not all the recipes are all right for yeast overgrowth...you will have to use your head and examine any recipe critically in that regard).

I believe that it is human nature to try to find a "fix" which will allow us to continue to put the sorts of things into our mouths that we are accustomed to eating or drinking. It is human nature to search for a product or a variety of products which will knock out the trouble, rather than making huge changes to our lifestyle. Sadly, it is not possible to re-balance the "dis-ease" or lack of balance and ease without major changes.

If anyone wants recipes, has questions, is having trouble with die-off, etc., feel free to Purple Mooseage me if you would like to keep your questions personal, or if you want to toss them out in the forum, that's good too, and I'd be happy to share additional information. What is written here is the tip of the iceberg :>) We are complicated, complex beings and everyone is a little bit unique in their situation.

---Cheri Ryan aka "Your Friendly Neighborhood Witch Doctor" (what friends and family jokingly refer to me as)

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leila hamaya wrote:also really dislike the taste of stevia! its too bad, i want to like it, but i find the taste horrible. the actual raw leaf isnt as bad, but its still not very good, IMO.

my favorite is agave, but many people say its not the healthiest and have concerns about it. but the taste is excellent. i am even trying to grow some agave cactus. honey is also a good choice, it has some healing properties, but one shouldnt have too much of it.

xylitol is the best choice for the healing benefits, and it tastes ok. you cant bake with it cause it wont react with yeasts, but thats why its so good for someone with a systemic yeast infection, like candida.

Stevia is tricky. First you want liquid stevia, because powder has additives, which usually are sugar in one form or the other. Then you want not to overdo, if you do, you will feel bitterness as it is coming fromt he green leaf after all. Add two drops, try it, add more, but just a drop at a time until you get a hang of it.
 Agave is worse than corn syrup -while they are both made with chemical solvents, agave has higer percentage of fructose than corn syrup does.
 Xylitol while has no calories for many people it raises insulin response the same way or even more than the same amount of sugar. Not sure about candida response, but something, that raises insulin can't be good. Erythritol in small amounts okay for most people, but for me it tends to give me digestive trouble. We used it for our own made gelato ice cream (by the way, best ice cream I ever tried -just cream, egg yolks, and erythritol sweetener.)

  Black walnut hull tincture can be also useful for candida. Use one dropper per quart of water you drink.
  For sugar cravings, take sugar regulating herbs such as cinnamon, opal cactus, gymnema, and almost any kind of dark greens. Teaspoon of powder should take cravings away, but best to take it at the beginning of the meal, way before you go looking for after meal sweets.
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Misty rayne maybe monkfruit
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I just dealt with candida in one of my dogs. She is now 11 years old and has had it for about 7 years. She had itchy skin, often a troublesome coat, crusts lining her ears, the whole gamut. After trying various things over the years, I finally came onto something: neem leaves!! Wow - I wish I had discovered those years ago for her! I give her a daily dose of about a tablespoon (she weighs about 80 pounds), and it took a couple of months of daily dosing to really start seeing a difference, but now she has never looked better! Her coat is the nicest I have seen it in many, many years, her ears no longer form crusts along the canals, and she's barely itchy anymore. I probably could have given her more to start, and would have, especially initially to jump-start everything, but I was just dosing in the dark without guidelines, so didn't want to overdo it. I get the dried leaves broken into smaller pieces from an Etsy seller. I don't get them powdered because I want them as fresh and potent as possible. I add them to her sweet potato meals and she munches it all right up. She is also digesting her food much more efficiently. Before I had to feed her as much as another dog we have who is 13months old and a little smaller, to keep the old one from getting too skinny. To have had to feed an 11 year old dog as much as such a young and energetic dog as the 13month old, definitely showed a mal-absorption issue, which I also attributed to the yeast overgrowth. After a couple of months of neem leaves added, I had to cut her food way back because she was getting too much fat on her ribs! So excited about neem leaves! It's also supposed to be a natural dewormer for dogs, among other benefits. I give it to all of my dogs regularly now. It's great for people, too, apparently.
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