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More Heat, Less Money
Heat your home for 10% of the cost
Possibly the cleanest and cheapest way to heat a home
The Cheapest Home Heat: cheaper than electric, gas or conventional wood heat
The Cheapest Heat: cheaper than electric, gas or conventional wood heat
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
REALLY saving energy: rocket mass heaters
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
RMH: more heat, less wood, sexy stove
paul wheaton wrote:
REALLY saving energy: rocket mass heaters
On the box/description: more than half of home energy consumption is for heat. Whether you use electricity, gas or wood for heat, a rocket mass heater will nearly always pay for itself in the first month of use.
Rocket Mass Heaters v[n.n]: more heat, less wood, sexy stove
Sean Kibler wrote:@Erik Weaver on one hand I feel like saying "Bah details, nitpicking!". Then on the other hand I agree. At the end of it though we are talking about a title, which means we need to condense all these wordy (but valid and accurate) ideas into a short hard hitting DVD title. To do that I imagine no matter what word-smithing we do the title in the end is going to have verbiage in it that is subjective and open to interpretation. Aside from using approximately 10 times less wood than traditional wood stoves everything I hear about RMH has been very much open to interpretation; virtually no smoke, safe, cheap. I doubt none of this but just pointing out that, yes some people are going to realize its not a magic wand and be upset.
I say lets just be subjective. Leave the concrete stuff for the back of the DVD and for the contents of the video (maybe some subtitley stuff).
I re-present my last contribution because I just like it so much.
Rocket Mass Heaters v[n.n]: more heat, less wood, sexy stove
jump at the sun,
seth peterson
permaculture chef
My project thread
Agriculture collects solar energy two-dimensionally; but silviculture collects it three dimensionally.
J Hampshire wrote:What's in a name? Everything. Absolutely everything. The name has to be all encompassing. Something big and bold, with a super-specific sub title. For instance;
"New World Wood Stoves: The definitive guide to designing, building and installing a rocket mass heater." You save the extra stuff about frugality and efficiency for the blurb on the back/product description.
Chris Kay wrote:Not sure if Paul wants to be linked with New World Order Illuminati Conspiracy theories, although World Domination does seem to suggest that. :
Cj Verde wrote:
Chris Kay wrote:Not sure if Paul wants to be linked with New World Order Illuminati Conspiracy theories, although World Domination does seem to suggest that. :
That's the point. I think Paul is trying to compete and dominate the NWO. Not sure it'll happen without better submarine access to the Paulcano.
World Domination Heating
Earth, Wind and Fire: a new type of home heat
Better Heat
Sustainable Heat
Freaky Cheap Wood Heat
Freaky Cheap Heat
Solve the world's problems with how you heat your home
Heat your home and save the world: build a rocket mass heater
Heat: the next generation
Off-Grid Heat 2.0: Rocket Mass Heaters
Heat: Cleaner than Electric and Cheaper than Gas
Heat: Cleaner and Cheaper than ever before
Freaky efficient heat
Heat your house, save the world (and money)
REALLY saving energy: rocket mass heaters
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Furthering Permaculture next to Lake Ontario.
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